The first thing most people don't realize is the pan tension for yotes. You want it to be around 3 pounds or so. You want a yote to totally commit his foot and put his weight on that pan. If you set it light like most think it should be set a yote will barely touch it and it allows him to pull his foot right before it goes off. Also he may get barely caught and be able to pull out. Setting the pan tension light also allows smaller animals like rabbits, squirrels and cats to trip the pan. Think about it this way, say a yote weights 30lbs 3 pounds aint nothing for him to trip it and a squirrel or rabbit weights alot less than that.

Also make sure your trap is really bedded firmly. This was a mistake I made when I first started trapping too. If a yote steps on the levers and it moves he will either be gone or dig and trip the trap.

I am by no means a know it all but these are two biggest mistakes I made when I first started. I keep learning all the time.