Originally posted by 76chevy:
I caught coon #20 of the season this morning. One of my farms is way down, I caught 35 off of it 3 years ago. Only 3 so far and next to no sign...I think the drought last year might have hit them pretty good.

Got some new sets out and hoping for a good coon night
We are finding the same thing Chevy. The coon population is off this year around us.. We are having to move around a lot to keep catching, and its just one or two at a spot. Drought did hurt the kitten coon IMO. Lack of berries and no water in the ditches probably took its toll. A lot of the coon we are catching are good size coons though.

You are doing very well at 20 IMO. Not exactly sure, but with Dad trapping 1/2 the county, and the few I have nabbed, its about 30 between us.

bean, we didn't get that much rain here. .8" is all. I know you got hit pretty hard over there. The ditches came up about 3" and it didn't hurt a thing. Matter of fact, I like seeing some water in them now.