Originally posted by hornharvester:
Originally posted by blackoak:
Originally posted by hornharvester:
[b] Anyone watch the Coywolf special on PBS last night? Makes you wonder if those big yotes we catch sometimes are a hybrid instead of a true coyote?

Yesterday I had 2 refusal on the 1x19 wire snares. Last night I ordered a roll of 7x7 wire and will replace all the 1x19 snares. The 1x19 is real shiny and too stiff for my sets would make good fence set snares....hint...hint. If anyone is interested I have about 400+ ft of the 1x19 that I will sell at a very good price. h.h.
Is the 1X19 1/16" cable or 5/64? Korean or USA made. I'm interested [/b]
I dont know where its made. The cable is 3/32. It came in a 100 snare kit. After thinking on it Im going to keep the cable and use it to hang my bucket feeders. I put a winch on a tree and a pulley up on a high limb. You have to use all steel or the squirrels will cut it down. If I change my mind you can have first crack at it. h.h. [/b]
If you put double stops on it, it would make good snare extension cable. Thats what I'd use it for.