That is great. Love to see the youngsters knock em down. Priceless! Believe it the system is so messed up as are individuals. My son and I who I have been a part of since born over paid supp bla bla. After court ruled I could not take him hunting fishing cause his mother and lawyer deemed unsafe at 9 not because of unknown out there? Talk about flippin my lid I fought til out of $. Anyway at 18 last year. Dad will you take me hunting. Gave him my 870 a shooting stick and had been patterning group of does for weeks. Had it down to minutes. He wondered why I told him to get ready and 5 min later here they came. One shot and 145lb doe down. At that age I'm not sure he knew why I hugged him so and half broke down as he had seen me bring many home but didn't know why he couldn't go. Priceless moments cherish every moment! Now of course Dad u said I kill a buck it gets mounted spike or booner. I hope nothing ever happens like that between a parent n child again. No reason a judge should have ruled that without cause! Happened and now my son spends most time with my wife and I as he is figuring things out. Asking to fish and hunt even tho I snuck a few in. Anyway enjoy every moment and show everyone (respectful) pics of there accomplishments!

Rip some lips and shoot some sticks