I personally don't like to be tied down to a blind. I am not exactly the most patient person in the world.

I prefer to get as close as possible in the dark to a gobbling bird. Last season this was very difficult because of the lack of foliage early in the season.

I like to get within 75 to 100 yards, if possible in the dark. I will then do some soft tree yelps on a slate call after the bird gobbles. Once I feel he has gobbled back in response to my soft yelps I shut up until he hits the ground.

Once he's on the ground I will yelp and cut very aggressively with a mouth call each time he gobbles. I like to cut him off. Meaning I start cutting before he is done gobbling. This will normally make him crazy gobbling and even double gobbling back at me. A lot of times a bird will come in doing this. Of course, there are a lot of factors to consider. Hopefully, he isn't with hens. In nature the hens go to gobbler when he is gobbling in the tree. If you hear or see hens just do what they do. Whatever sound I hear a hen make I make it right back at her. If she yelps 4 times I yelp 4 times. If she cuts I cut. You might call in the hen that will bring in the gobbler. But, very rarely, if ever, will you call a gobbler away from a hen.

I personally like to pour it on once I have a bird gobbling at me on the ground. Every time he gobbles I cut like crazy back at him literally whipping him into a frenzy.

The main thing to consider is that once its light enough for them to see you can NOT move. I mean can NOT unless they are over a rise or hidden behind brush where you are 100% sure they can't see you. If I know they can't see me I like to rake leaves with a stick. Turkeys are very loud in the woods. I have called in birds just doing this.

Good luck!

Hunter Dan - Connecting Kids to the Outdoors!