Let me be totally clear that I'm not looking to fight. I have a smile on my face. When typing it's hard to know this.
Now, I'm the 1st one to say " it's YOUR land. You indeed pay taxes and maintain it. Do what you want with it." I don't "expect" something for free. No sense of entitlement here.

But I must counter: Why is it any different today than it was 20 years ago? Were landowners not experiencing the same costs back then? Why "now" does it have to be a business?

I see nothing wrong with paying a tresspass fee. I see nothing wrong with signing off of liability.
In my opinion this is about business. And it's LEGAL. But it's about business. And in my opinion, making it about money will help those like yourself who invested in it. But it will be the demise of hunting as we've known it.
I know that you have put in a lot of time helping hunters in Indiana. Thanks. I mean it.
Most of the time all you're doing is stating the obvious about the direction things are heading.
Strength is in numbers. The more hunters and recruitment there is, the better for the future. I hoped my kids and grandkids would be able to enjoy the sport the way I did.

Loss of habitat. Leasing. Double whammy.

Don't really understand what you meant by losing a job and breaking into a house?? I never said I agreed with guys trespassing. I would turn them in EVERY time. What I was saying is it's my opinion that when you suddenly turn to a business to "pimp" out your land for money and kick off people who've hunted there for generations without offering them the chance to keep this priviledge... well, some guys get desperate. Hunting has been a way of life just like it has been for many on here.
To me, it's no different than a little league coach deciding he should be payed handsomely for his time... and hiring an agent. This agent decides that he's worth $30,000/ season. So all the kids show up at the little league next spring and find out instead of $100 fee to play ball, well now it's $5000 because the coach is risking his life driving to and from the field. AND he's gotta put gas in his car and insure it.

My guess is baseball in this country would disappear pretty quick. But hey, It's America. I wouldn't wanna live anywhere else