I only bow hunt birds anymore. The blind in the middle of a wide open field works wonders. Turkeys don't view the blind as a threatening shape. Turkeys best survival tool is their vision. They are comfortable in wide open spaces. If you spend time scouting and watching birds you will find that they often feed and hang out in wide open fields on whatever rise they can find (even if that rise is only a couple feet over surrounding areas). They like this because they can see danger approaching. My theory is that when a bird steps out and sees your decoys in the wide open, that he associates two things ... 1) a safe situation that birds like and 2) hens to mate with and a jake to kick butt on in that safe situation. Generally he heads right in. So I set up in the wide open. 75 yards or more from any tree, brush, or fence line ... generally.

So if blind hunting is your thing, then hunt a blind in the open if possible and use visibility of the decoys as your tool. Set the sun to your back. Wear black from the waist up, including a black glove on your bow hand. A black bow (or riser at least) really helps too. The black on black is an old magicians trick and makes movement almost totally undetectable looking from the outside inward. Then finally ... be patient. Patience kills turkeys ... especially when hunting ground blinds.

It is an effective way to hunt them especially on smaller properties where run and gun hunting isn't really an option.

New Day Outdoors Productions - It's a New Day in the Outdoors
Magnus Broadheads
Take a child hunting.
Wear a safety harness at all times ... TRUST ME!