HS Strut:

No offence to you either but, as a landowner I'll ask a few questions of you.

Who pays the taxes on my land to the state of Indiana?

Who pays the insurance on the property so YOU can hunt for free?

Who provides the habitat so wildlife can thrive on my property? It could be plowed and planted for a profit.

Just because a landowner has no mortgage does not mean he/she has no costs, we have to insure and pay taxes on ground we OWN!

We purchased property just for recreation(hunting, fishing, whatever...)why should "we" share the experience with others at no cost?

Without private ownership of land cooperating with states there would be no game to hunt. Indiana does not reimburse me for letting wildlife live and thrive on my property.

What you are seeing is called "Agri-tourism" landowners who are allowing recreation on "their" properties for a price.

Free rides to recreation on private property is over, you have three choices, own lease or hunt the public land you paid for.

I'm with Scarlett Dew.... there are no first time offenders tresspassing, I'm just the first one who caught them!

I have lost my job, I break into your house and steal from you........you don't agree with my actions, but you do understand......correct?

My bet is you would want to prosecute and protect property rights.

When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....