Most men will not change..........they shoot till they are out of game or out of bullets. Their hunting experience is not what they make of it......but what they TAKE, and simply move on then to TAKE again somewhere else when they run out of things to TAKE due to their own lack of foresite or recognition of value in the resource. The words "management", and "restraint" mean nothing to them.
I too have seen it for years. I have preached till I'm blue in the face. They won't listen. I am literally surounded by hunters every day of the week. There are so many hunting the small woodlots on the properties West, South, and North of me, that they take turns every day of the week to hunt them! One land owner even charges $20.00 per day to drive and pick them up, drop them off to hunt, and pick them back up!!!! They then drive deer every weekend of the firearms and ML season. They have ran out of room to hunt many years ago. They have run out of deer to shoot, because they are either dead, or the deer got the He!! out.

They know where the deer have went, and I get hounded and questioned by them all the time. They even tried to backdoor their way into the property next door to us that we cash rent to farm. I'll be spending more time protecting what little I do have than actually hunting! And people wonder why I'm so against the liberal seasons/weapons, and doe permit that we now have.