Well sorry for the delay guys but, day was not much of a change I think that man name Murphy was out there finally a nice day on our last day and we thought we had a pretty good plan. We got there early to move the blind over by a fence row that the birds the day before Hung around and birds in the previous days had to. So we get to the blind in the dark and, DOGS are in the woods barking at us and running around in the woods. Well we continue with the plan cause iam sure that's not the first dogs thats have ever been in the woods( just trying to stay positive) well we are carrying the stuff across the field and the barks get louder and out of the pre dawn darkness 2 black masses appear in the field coming at us. They get to about 30 yards and hold there ground and bark, well after a bit of this I sit my stuff down and grab dads gun(incase they are not as scared of me as they should be) and head at them to scare them off. Well it took twice but they finally head in the woods. We get sit up and the dogs bark just enough to let us know they are there Grrrrr. But in the middle of all this I hear a hen yelp right behind us, ok all the commotion did totally scare all the birds, but now we are thinking she probably won't come down for a while. Well about 8 a gobble, by god there are turkeys still in the woods. He gobbled about 4 times and he was behind us but within a hundred yards so he will be in the field when he gets down. We thought we heard birds fly down and would you know it the dogs started barking again but only this time they were going the other way. Gee I wonder what they were doing.

So we headed back to Indiana last night after 7 days of hunting in the cold wet rain. We did see some and I took a shot with my bow but it was a slow year and the first year for the last few we didn't bring atleast one home. We had a good time and are thankful that we have a generous land owner that let's us come hunt. Thanks for the guys that was reading this and I hope it was something fun to do before we get to our season here, sorry I could get you guys a picture of a thunder chicken but it for sure was not cause a lack of trying.