Day 4
Dad went to the blind again and I took the gun and wents on up the hill to try something different. I got up top a little late and it was cold down here temps in the 30s. The birds didn't gobble at all. I thought I don't want to keep moving to the roost if I don't know where the birds are so I stopped and sit down to.wait on them to fly down. I sit down about 5 min later I look up and see a hen coming towards me then another. I thought I better get my gun up just incase a Tom is with them and sure enough sssppppiiiittttdrrrrrrruuuummmm oh man there he is ok start picking out a spot. I see the hens go through this hole and now all I got to do is wait for him to get there, then I will call he will come out of strut and I will shoot for a quick hunt. He gets there I call and he stops behind a tree, are you kidding me. Off he goes ok next hole he blows by that one, then I get to watch him just strut right out of my life. Never gobbled at me or anything, I went on up and sit till about 1230 then walked and called my way to the blind. And sit in there till 4 we did have one gobbling about 230 but nothing happened from it.
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