Several years ago on a Pokagon hunt, I was perched up on an observation platform on what they call He11's Point. Real steep hills. I dropped two does with my muzzleloader (the one actually watched me reload from the first shot, so I shot her too ... LOL). They were at the bottom of a steep hill with a nasty drag to the top where there is a road access. Some guy comes walking up right after I shot them and goes "hey if you are done can I hunt this spot". Mind you that this was probably 4 hours into the hunt. I said "sure if you go help me drag these two deer out". He actually did it, which I not only appreciated, but I had to laugh too because I doubt he saw a deer the rest of the day in that location.
Park "hunts" are always a mess. I use the word "hunt" loosely because deer basically are running for their lives as they get bumped from one orange blob to another. It is really more of a live target shoot out, you just have to be in the right place at the right time. I have done the Pokagon deer shoot three or four times now and I doubt I will ever do one again.