Listen gang,
We Hoosiers over-harvest everything in this state...Deer, rabbits, quail,pheasant, bass,crappie,walleye...Hoosiers are really into the outdoors, yet we have very little land and water compared to other states.
Ever hear of anyone from out of state coming here to hunt or fish for ANYTHING other than deer? And I'm willing to bet the majority of them own or lease land, which if you have either, all these limits mean very little. It's your land, manage it the way you want. If you own a pond or lake, you manage it the way you want, right? I know deer can cross boundaries but if you lease or own 150+ acres and have a couple neighbors who have the oughta be able to agree to not over harvest.

My point is this, and I've said it many times, this isn't a DNR problem, it's a WE problem. If you go to Iowa, Illinois, to the locals...they are managing themselves. They let little bucks walk, they keep an eye on the does...take more when they see a ton of them and back off when they don't see them. Illinois is TWO bucks right? Are they killing them all? Left only with 1 1/2 yr olds? No.

We have so little land access for the amount of hunters that it's a problem because guys spend their hard earned money on guns, bows, crossbows, releases, arrows, tree stands, camo, gas , FOOD PLOTS, TRAIL CAMERAS, LEASES, LEASE INSURANCE etc...and after all that, they don't wanna stop hunting on OCTOBER 1st after they killed their ONE BUCK that they had patterned by trail cam coming to their food plot every evening!!! Son, they're are gonna whack some antlerless deer. They gonna whack them and give them away if they have to. But they're gonna get they're moneys worth.

We need to SPREAD THE WORD. Spend your energy at hunting shows, Boat shows, Trailer Parks, Amish communities, any place hunters gather...telling people that we can take the DNR and insurance lobbies OUT OF THE EQUATION if we work together.

OR, just keep fighting with each other about who's right and who's wrong, and keep watching the herd disappear.