From the original correspondence sent by Mitch Marcus....

If we choose a date that you are unable to attend, please attempt to find an alternate to represent the Indiana Whitetail Deer Herd Management Group.

When the original correspondence was sent to you, it clearly states that if you are unable to attend, please attempt to find an alternate to represent the IWDHM. AN alternate (as in one), not a whole group. Instead of doing that...the group took it among yourselves to reply, (and I quote)...
FYI, our entire board, dependent on scheduling, will be attending, as well as any regional reps, County Deer Advisory Council Chairpersons, or Council members will be welcome to accompany us.

Then...@ the meeting the IWDHM was asked to send one person up to join the group and the IWDHM wouldn't do that either. Instead the members of the IWDHM chose to interrupt the meeting over and over again.

So once again, your group's lack of tact and the inability to work within the framework presented, resulted in your group not getting it's way, and since then it's been nothing but a temper tantrum on your facebook page about how the director was "mean" to all of you.

Think about it....