And here's the thing jjas would you know about what the Biologist said in said meeting if IWDHM and the CDAC's chairmen weren't there and one of them filming that so called Stakeholders meeting
That one of the Three said is this going to be a working Group ????
What's that tell you??
What have you ever done for the good of deer hunting ???
All I've ever said was do something get the your voices heard if you don't like IDHA IWDHM IBA
Get more involved and not here behind a screen name because you don't want folks to know who you are !

Think about it
When was the last time you were in front of anyone downtown trying to make any type of change
As a matter of fact who beside Joe Doug Gene
Matt Gary David Tim Kyle Rick Steve Kevin John Chad
Tried to make a difference in deer hunting for Future Generations and that our Heritage of Hunting is carried on

Think about it