Response for IWDHM?
07/10/2017 05:05 AM
07/10/2017 05:05 AM
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Boy, my Facebook feed is filling up with these posts from the IWDH group. I have to admit, without any response from the men at the stakeholders meeting, they have some points that should at least be addressed. Anyone here involved in the meeting care to answer or engage in a civil discussion about their claims? Not trying to incite an argument, but like many others I have some questions and would like to know which side best represents my interests.
Chief Operating Officer American Hunting Lease Association
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/10/2017 05:44 AM
07/10/2017 05:44 AM
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Give some examples of questions you think need answered!
Please tell what is being claimed also...
Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason "Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/10/2017 06:24 AM
07/10/2017 06:24 AM
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Ferb - empty your mailbox please.
Fishing and honeybee time
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/10/2017 06:51 AM
07/10/2017 06:51 AM
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It really wasn't a stakeholder meeting according to the CO that was asked that very question ..... it's all in the video that was edited for public viewing!
Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason "Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 02:48 PM
07/26/2017 02:48 PM
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Originally posted by QUINCY HUNTER: Anyone know when,where,date& time of next IDHA Meeting is Also I would like to become a member but can't seem to find answeres to these wuestions Thanks Troll... Troll .... Troll your Boat!
Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason "Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 02:56 PM
07/26/2017 02:56 PM
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I would like you to contact the Public Relations Officer at IWDHM Group. His name is Gary Walters, RN. He left a message on your Facebook messenger; as well as a voicemail on your association's phone. Most of the officers of IWDHM Group have been banned from this site, so the few speaking out here can say unchallenged whatever they desire. Most of it very inaccurate, even every comment above.
IWDHM Group has met with US Senator, Governor Holcombs Senior Advisor, State Senators and Representatives in both Natural Resources Committees. They have been assisted by Dr. James Kroll and the Vice Chair of Wisconsin's Natural Resources Board appointed by Governor Walker. They have meet with many DNR staff confidentially, with two or more verified sources saying the same thing. They have published on their Facebook page details, including the entirety of the unedited video of the stakeholders meeting hosted by the DFW on 5/8/17.
There is many videos explaining everything in detail that IWDHM Group has found out. There is a post of the email chain from the DFW calling this meeting on 5/8/17 a stakeholders meeting, that they themselves say a stakeholder is any person or group that has interest in the whitetail deer. The public was not advised of this meeting. However, the emails from DFW clearly state it is a stakeholders meeting. They have posted the emails. Again just screen shot without any editing.
In the response to DFW in those emails the IWDHM Group stated he would do his best to notify every stakeholder of the meeting though the few at the "table" knew about it before hand, IWDHM Group was not made aware of the venue of the meeting until 5/4 at the end of business for a 5/8 Monday meeting, that should have been publicized for everyone. The IWDHM Group posted on their page once they had the information.
Matt Barton the founder of IWDHM Group, advised that everyone in the "audience" was a stakeholder that he alone would not sit at the table as they can represent themselves at this public meeting. There were county chairmen and members of the County Deer Advisory Councils IWDHM Group developed, as well as IBA Rep, and two others not affiliated with IWDHM Group.
Just to catch your eye, one post shows the presentation of the urban deer program in video. How the DNR gave Beverly Shores $55,000 dollars for a confirmed 2014 3 deer dead, 2015 12 deer dead, 2016 they gave $25,000 of the $55,000 but as of 5/8/17 they had no idea of the number of or if any deer were taken in the 2016/17 season. Five months after completion of the season, they did not have the "information yet". How hard is it to report how many deer were killed at least 5 months earlier if you are reporting off to the stakeholders of Indiana. There is so much details of mismanagement within our DNR. IWDHM Group is exposing it. This very post here will more than likely be deleted prior to you seeing it. It is very scary what is happening with our resources.
Please check your Facebook messenger and your office voice mail in case they delete this or ban me. I will also post some specific emails or posts answering people's questions about what is going on in deer management.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 03:07 PM
07/26/2017 03:07 PM
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No .... the scary part is a group of FB bullies want to take over the antlerless quotas!! That's the scary part !
Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason "Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 04:00 PM
07/26/2017 04:00 PM
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You should practice what you preach.... look in the mirror the picture should get clearer!
Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason "Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 04:15 PM
07/26/2017 04:15 PM
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Brew, we are advocating for County Deer Advisory Councils that have all stakeholders in a county Hunters, non consumptive users, agriculture, toursim, transportation, disease specialists, forestry. Anyone that as an interest in deer. Then each county makes a "recommendation" prior to quota's being determined. Simple. DNR can still override recommendations if scientific reason to do so. Although all deer are managed currently for social carrying capacity. CDAC's do exactly that. Typical behaviour from you. IWDHM Group has said for two years CDAC is our goal. WE facilitated Kaz , Vice Chair of Wisconsin's NRB who facilitated with CDAC's in Wisconsin to a meeting with Director Clark and Director Reiter. Final agreement in meeting was IWDHM Group would facilitate 6 pilots (though we had 10), and the DFW would use the recommendations of the counties that had pilots they did not. Simple facts. So how exactly are the "FB Bullies" attempting in any way to take over antlerless quota's. No we are attempting to facilitate CDAC's in each county that are free by the way to allow a portal for all stakeholders to have a say and keep the deer herd stable from year to you. You know all this quite well, you, as always attempt a distraction from the true facts. I am not engaging in an argument with you. I would also like to say I have never attacked you, like you are attacking and calling names. It would seem the moderator of this forum should remove you for name calling and intentional misleading statements in response of someone asking a legitimate question, that we have video proof of the answers we provide. UNEDITED VIDEO that you have publicly stated it was edited. In no way was it edited. I really don't understand what a FB bully really is by the way????
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 04:26 PM
07/26/2017 04:26 PM
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Brew we are trying do find out facts about the next IDHA meeting, period, and answer some general questions in regard to the gentleman's question. Can you please allow us to do that now without your rude interruptions and name calling. By the way I was just on the IDHA FB page in the upper right hand corner, it still says it is a nonprofit association. Sorry it is not. It is no longer a corporation, dissolved 1/14/98, it has now bank account, other than a personal one dba IDHA, it's tax records show the same officers for several years now. Just saying before we even go there for validation for the gentleman's question. WE reach almost 300,000 some weeks, have a following of 19,000 and official members per our bylaws approximately 2,500 individuals that filled out an application in person or online. Join up Brew it is free, but no alcohol at any of the events we manage a booth at. So may not be able to help us much, but you are welcome.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 04:34 PM
07/26/2017 04:34 PM
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Originally posted by jjas: And you wonder why so few take your group seriously... Exactly.....laughable at best! BTW Tim..... thanks for invite to group but my security clearnce at work doesn't allow me to join a group that has a convicted Felon as a PR person! Thanks...
Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason "Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 04:36 PM
07/26/2017 04:36 PM
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We posted this a few days ago on our FB page to answer a gentlemans question:
Thank you for calling your regional biologist, glad he listened. Great, lucky you even have one since there are now only 10 instead of 21. Did you call the Governor Eric Holcomb, legislators, news media, social media. Post your constructive ideas here? Well here is just a little we have done in the last three years. • Spend $30,000 out of our pockets , just a rough estimate. • Formed a group with bylaws we didn’t even need to jump through some imaginary Hoop to get a seat on the FWCC, that is basically worthless and been the same few talking heads for decades now. Pounding their chest feeling important, but have you or anyone you know even know about the FWCC, what it is, been asked your opinion on the issues, been briefed after the fact on any issues??? • Manned booths at Hunting shows and spoke at those shows. • Developed a group that reaches towards 300,000 people some weeks, 19, 000 Facebook followers, more than either Governor, and between 2000-2500 members that have filled out a membership form for inclusion in the group at no cost. • We have spoken with most CO's and regional biologists in this state. As well as Dr. James Krolll whom formulated the idea of CDAC's in Wisconsin. We have talked with Wisconsin DNR. We have talked with Governor Walker's' appointed Vice Chair of their NRB. We facilitated him coming to Indianapolis to meet the DNR and DFW Directors with us. • We have written millions of words. Contacted all kinds of media and outdoor venues. Written Letters, Emails, Facebook Messages with most Legislators and two Governors. • We have met with DNR-DFW twice. • We have met with many legislators, driving all over the state for a few minute to one hour meetings. • We have met the Governor's Senior Policy Adviser, but that was a ruse, because we have in house information from DNR Staff and CO's that She wanted us to tell them the names of our confidential informants, that are all verified with second sources. We have these same people telling us we are spot on on everything we say. Jeopardizing their very livelihood at jobs they love. • We have requested information under the freedom of information act in 2016 and sorted through thousands of pages and graphs. • We were informed confidentially of in house emails that will enlighten you and others. We have requested them under the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT, after already reading them from our informants but desiring a copy to publicize. Just last week we had to file a complaint with the PAC office, as we still have not received on piece of information requested. • We piloted 10 County Deer Advisory Councils in 10 different counties, involving all stakeholders at the expense of hundreds of man hours. All these meetings and such were vacation time and economic loss from our family budgets to accomplish this. The DNR DFW Directors agreed to use the results of these pilots and then did not. • The stakeholders meeting we have posted in part and in whole so many times I cannot even count. The emails with the invitation, and our response. Three deer stakeholders sat at the table and was part of a preconceived presentation for the next 3-5 year management plan. • Did you get an invitation, email, see it on the news or in papers, see it on DNR DFW DLE webpages or social medial. So, when we asked a legitimate question of whom are the people at the table representing and approximately how many deer hunters were being represented at the table, the director had his outburst to distract from answering the simple question, that all stakeholders had a right to know. • Their own presentation and own testimony to our questions state that they use hunter and landowner surveys in their science. Though as of that day, 5/8/17, they had not assessed data from those surveys done in 2013 or 2016. Not only did they not assess them to see how much impact was being done in the reduction management plan the last five years, they still had not assessed them for the next 3-5 year plan they were presenting that very evening. All out of their own mouth. • They talked about an urban plan for overpopulated deer in Beverly Shores near the Dunes. They to date had threw $55,000 at the problem, and at the time of the meeting on 5/8/17, they could only confirm 15 dead deer in 3 years with $55,000. 15 !!!!!!!!!! Joe Bacon from the IDHA, one at the table in talking about the program said it was a good idea. It is in the video. Unedited. This would fund CDAC's for all stakeholders in all counties for 50 years to a century. So now we are pointing all this out for all the stakeholders that were not invited to the meeting or represented in any way for the preconceived management plan. • The three at the table were thanked for being there and their input and working with the DNR DFW five years ago to develop the reduction plan. How many know about that, or where invited to that stakeholder meeting, or were briefed after that meeting? Have even now any knowledge of that meeting? • They have no data at all from forest depredation by deer! • They manipulate the deer/vehicle collision data to make sense of harvests already complete. Not apples to apples in per billion or million miles traveled in the areas. • They do not have accurate crop depredation data! • The harvest structure in their SAK model is not existent, due to electronic check in without biological assessment. * If you correlate the quota.s for total land mass and deer habitat in each county and the quotas set, there is no correlation what soever, even statistically. *One of the board of directors has a farm in Parke County. All the counties around it were reduced to a 4 or less. Parke county was kept at an 8. This after the most vocal of the group, used Parke County as an example of the overharvest after years of EHD outbreaks and such. Is theree a correlation. Why does the counties around Parke with similar geopgrahy and deer numbers all have quota's half of Parke???? • They have no idea of prevalence of disease as hundreds to thousands of deer die due to disease that are never checked by the DNR even if reported. • They have no population estimates in any geographical location county region or statewide period. They also state they never will. Nor do they have any goals as to what population levels they desire in any county. • If you look at their presentation they state the objective was to maintain the herd levels with <3 bonus antlerless permits per county. They got the nod for approval from the “stakeholders” at the table all three of them. Which this would end the late antlerless season, that was put in place temporarily for herd reduction. Yet when they came out with the Quota map the state is covered with quotas of 4-8 retaining the late antlerless season. So with no science just playing number for a foregone conclusion, they set these quotas. So if informing the public about this, and so much more we have uncovered along the way, we are wrong well Tim Freeze thanks for your opinion. IF that is really your name. We have caught and the talking head at the table have admitted to using fake names to spread their misinformation via the internet. Then lying and saying we banned him. No we banned a fake account of a fake person. He has commented on our page many times, though usually misinformation, we have not banned Mr. Bacon or anyone else. So if this is you Joe, let us know, you don’t have to hide. We cannot hunt, lol. We have fooled people to say the same things from all walks of life over our entire state, lol. Keep up the good work Tim Freeze, but if you do not know what we are doing and where we have been, educate yourself first please. You can go back for three years of posts and see it all. We informed every step of the way brother. To the best of our ability all posts are in individuals own words and name. Of course it has been hard with people like Mr. Bacon using fake accounts instead of standing up for his leadership of Indiana deer hunters, that represent maybe 200 people. Is not longer and organization, nor nonprofit per the Office of the Secretary of state. The bank account is in his name dba IDHA. Ironically he is the one that stated we must have bylaws and a membership to exist. We have that in writing too, but he cannot follow his own rules. He is still sitting on the FWCC after resigning 5 years ago, but per their memorandum of understanding if a group leaves the FWCC it has to repetition which it never has. Also by their own admission they market their “association” saying they have a paid lobbyist as being a part of a larger organization. However, when asked that is not true either.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 04:59 PM
07/26/2017 04:59 PM
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Hoosier Hunter
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LOL, JJAS and Brew, what attack. We spoke the truth, that is all, to defend ourselves against blatent lying by your group. Also if you click the link one of the posts above you will see the attack from the president of the IDHA, well before anyone at IWDHM Group spoke to anyone including Bacon and his group. Not arguing with any of you to facilitate a ban, as you have so many others, so you can spill this vomit our of you mouth, or in this case keyboard, that is totally misleading, incorrect, and has no value whatsoever in deer herd management. Thank you for proving our point quite well.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 05:03 PM
07/26/2017 05:03 PM
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LOL, JJAS and Brew, what attack. We spoke the truth, that is all, to defend ourselves against blatent lying by your group. Also if you click the link one of the posts above you will see the attack from the president of the IDHA, well before anyone at IWDHM Group spoke to anyone including Bacon and his group. Not arguing with any of you to facilitate a ban, as you have so many others, so you can spill this vomit our of you mouth, or in this case keyboard, that is totally misleading, incorrect, and has no value whatsoever in deer herd management. Thank you for proving our point quite well.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 05:07 PM
07/26/2017 05:07 PM
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Here is part of an email from IWDHM Group:
This has been like a junior high dating game. DFW, AND OLD GROUPS CAME OUT ATTACKING US FROM THE VERY START. Then called foul when we defended our position: poor implementation of Indiana statute, waste of the funding they do receive, or pointed out lack of science we still can prove with this new management plan you seen in the video. It isn't rocket science, or science at all period. Anyone with common sense can see it for themselves. How do they plan a new management plan off of surveys they have not even completed in 4 years. No information on forest depredation, true crop damage reports, no true demographics of the population, no numbers of deer vehicle collisions based on billion miles traveled.. . . . . . Little cart before the horse no matter how PC you slice it. The entire deer harvest summary is full of errors and manipulated data working to support a preconceived conclusion, PERIOD. That is not the scientific method. The old groups pretending to be representing all deer hunters when it is same handful of guys. You both state you know that as well as every political alley we have spoken to. It is like an old schoolmate hitting you but the teacher walks in only after you start defending yourself. Then the one that started it pretends to be a victim. The video of the stakeholders meeting clearly shows it how we handled ourselves and how they handled themselves, as well as the discrepancy as to what they proposed there that night and what quota's were actually used. To say they dropped 30 counties is ridiculous. Again, it is wording to satisfy the politicians who only look at the surface and listen to a few words. They are pro's at it. We have pages and pages of dated documentation to support what I am saying here, all of it.
Secondly CDACs are not about one group. They involve all stakeholders and in a perfect world the DNR would control facilitating and administration of CDACs. They have a stakeholder meeting that had four reps at the table. One forestry and three wildlife. No one else. We were thirty strong in the room. Everyone of us a stakeholder. CDAC's are that every stakeholder invited in a timely fashion with all groups, farming, deer, tourism. . . . you know the drill. Then every stakeholder that wants to be heard is heard and report goes to DNR. Simple, and basically free. To say one group wants to control it is just ludicrous BS. Right now one man sits in the Director of the FISH and Wildlife's Chair controls all of it with no accountability. To even hint that one group wants to control it is a **** cop out. If you looked at anything we ever wrote, or listened to Wisconsin's Greg Kazmierski, co Chair of Wisconsin's NRB that drove down, at his own expense, to inform you exactly how a CDAC works and how much cheaper it is. Anyone can look at the video, and I would beg them to tell me how $55,000 of OUR MONEY being spent on the harvest of 15 deer in an overpopulated community makes sense at all. Give me a couple dozen arrows and a couple three days with my bow and I can accomplish that for free, or better yet you could make money off charging me to participate. What a novel idea. I can assure you I can kill that many deer with a bow up there in 2-3 days.
Then the $55,000 they already spent plus the $25,000 they are going to throw at it again this year, would pay for the CDAC's for 50 years. So now we are talking throwing away a minimum total of $80,000 dollars of sportspersons monies. I am sure the Department of Interior would frown upon the current uses of the PR funds along with the license fees. You are not stupid, you know exactly what I am saying. However, because a group of very intelligent rednecks, speak up and speak out we are not being nice enough. Hog Wash. If they would have been smart, all they had to do at the start would have been nice, let us on the FWCC, we would have believed they listened, our following would not have even grown, and we would have ended up the same as the old groups in the end. We knew better, and so did they. These people have known me for thirty plus years. They know I will not be a part of corruption or cheating the deer hunters we are to represent, period. You have no idea of the corruption, but I do. As soon as they seen me, they knew we would tell the truth and involve the public. They tried to silence us before we ever really began. See how that worked out and they have not seen anything yet. There is a country song there. YOU AINT SEEN NOTTIN YET! People fighting for their family will never give up. Sooner or later, money or not, we will prevail.
Thirdly everyone can see the Director of DFW's outbursts. Not to mention the crap he pulled off camera. However there was enough on camera. As well as every single government official we have talked to from legislators on down to Conservation officers have stated they cannot work with the ******* including you two senators. Matt didn't come to the table because we had 30 +/- CDAC COUNCIL members there from across the state that were stakeholders as well as anyone else at a semi-secret Stakeholders meeting put on by the DFW. We even posted the email chain about the scheduling and notice of the meeting. The stakeholders meeting was not a meeting at all rather a dictation as to what they were going to do, though even that proved to be false. Period it is all there in the video. You are not that stupid to say that because we are negative, Matt didn't go to the table, or IWDHM Group wants to dictate DFW deer management, we shot ourselves in the foot. Every bit of negativity is based on fact with confirmation of sources, period. That is bullshit. Flat out. That might not be politically correct cheery speech to confuse and talk around the issue; however, it is bullshit and you know it.
I thank God our forefathers did not live in this politically correct world that doesn't care about individual citizens rights and responsibilities. I seen a video clip of one of Senator Tomes town hall meetings. Some of the people there did the same thing as Reiter and the old groups at the table. 3 people, period, saying they were the voice of the deer hunter and wildlife enthusiast. THREE THREE THREE. Just as in that town hall meeting, Senator Tomes called them out. Talked about Tom Brokaw's book THE GREATEST GENERATION, how those of us that work hard, give respect to everyone's rights (as you can see in the videos as well we did). The outbreaks were from the Director only. So like Senator Tomes we were pissed off, are pissed off, and will be pissed off until this wrong is righted. We still have the courts if we can figure out how we can get the money. We will. We also have the power of a lot of people, and I have a lot of outdoor writers contacts all over this country from my work in that field. Actually I edited a book for the DNR DFW/IDHA for twelve years for no pay or compensation. NONE. Two Governors, wrote forwards to those books for me in each edition. Both Governor's praised how sportsmen and the DFW worked together to get things done. One Governor even come to our annual family picnic by helicopter one summer. We have lost that. I already know M R James has an article ready for publication on a National level. It will not take me long to organize all I have written for regional and national magazines as well. We have some pretty powerful people ready to help in publication, online publications, and outdoor TV. That is not a threat. However, don't talk to us like we are children that must play nice when the people we pay to do their job do not! Reiter called Wisconsin DNR Peers and said I personally was a nut job and he would take care of me. Straight from Kaz and with other things straight up the ladder in Wisconsin Executive branch. The IDNR and DFW lie, misappropriate funds, misuse funds, manipulate numbers and attempt to throw it out there as science using a couple of big words that people don't understand, just think OH WELL it is the DNR they know what they are doing. I agree they know it and are doing just the opposite. They evidently forgotten who they serve, and who any state bureaucrat should answer to. Then who are we do trust and believe in for the majority of middle class families. Who advocates for us. **** they have been taught they can do whatever they like, no one can take them to court to fight it. Well I think the deer farmer proved that wrong, but at what cost to us citizens in that litigation process. We to will find a way.
You know the Greatest Generation had a strong influence of many in my generation. Some of us raised our kids with those same principles and values. We call a spade a spade. We are not going to sugar coat blatant mismanagement of our resources. We are not going to stand by and be apathetic to the lies, that are destroying our way of life that we worked **** HARD for. I am just a Redneck with PTSD, many may think I am just a hothead. Nope I am just not apathetic, don't trust bullshit, and smart enough to recognize such. You are correct most today are apathetic towards government. They are in debt, work all day, get their kids from daycare, feed them, tuck them in, only to get up the next day and do it all again. Over and Over and Over. They save their vacation for that week or two of hunting with their family and friends. Most don't have time to fight the DNR, they got to feed their kids first, most don't have time to even vote. That what you guys are elected for to represent your local citizens. represent us, fight with us for something bigger than ourselves, something to be remembered by, maybe not in a personal sense, but in the sense individuals will know the generation before them proved to be great stewards for their resources. Some may think it is just a **** deer. No sir it is a lifestyle that many of us enjoy, that is historically, biblical, and morally ethically right. Right is on our side.
We in good faith spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of manhours pulling of not just 6 but 10 pilots. They did not even use them. Except reduce a few in thirty counties without significantly making a dent in the problem for even the thirty. Well if you are not going to introduce legislation, they are not going to keep their word, we will have to come up with something else. We will. I does piss me off as well, that we jumped through every hoop, time after time, just do this one more thing. We did it at costs in money and time, that took away from our families and responsibilities. All because we see what is going on, we are trying so **** hard for our kids. Then the DNR tells you well we reduced 30 counties by one or two bonus tags, and they are not going to not relinquishing control to us, which you **** well know was never the plan. So they say what I can type in one sentence and we speak the truth about everything negative or positive, it is the truth, so that makes their results look like a bowl of cherrys that don't need to be accountable. Even the old groups little forum of a handful are saying what we are. Look on the DNR LAW ENFORCEMENT FB pages, I tagged you in one. Look in the comments sections of their posts releasing the county quotas. But hey we all just a bunch of negative rednecks. We are not stupid either. Thanks for the hoops you assisted in putting before us, evidently knowing full well you would not take on the DNR.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 05:07 PM
07/26/2017 05:07 PM
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quincyhunter so you can spill this vomit our of you mouth, ???? I would ask you to explain the above, but I really don't care. Have fun on facebook...
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 05:45 PM
07/26/2017 05:45 PM
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Jeff Valovich
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crap, thats hard to read...just who the heck is this guy ??
"Liberalism is a mental disorder"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/26/2017 05:48 PM
07/26/2017 05:48 PM
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Originally posted by jjas: quincyhunter [b]so you can spill this vomit our of you mouth, ????
I would ask you to explain the above, but I really don't care.
Have fun on facebook... [/b]He just throwing his usual dung hoping it sticks somewhere! It will blow over... ![[Linked Image]](
Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason "Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/27/2017 07:02 PM
07/27/2017 07:02 PM
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Hoosier Hunter
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Re: Response for IWDHM?
07/28/2017 05:30 AM
07/28/2017 05:30 AM
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Hoosier Hunter
Hoosier Hunter
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August 5th at the Indiana State Fair Wild Game Cookout 9 am I'll bet that is going to be an "interesting" day.... BTW, I've watched that video that is continually being posted on facebook over and over and over again. Did the director show his frustration? Sure, but given the circumstances I can certainly see why. Was it as heinous as some would have us believe? In my opinion, no it wasn't and I can't see why members of the IWDHM are still complaining about and apparently trying to get the guy canned over it... It seems like a complete and utter waste of time and resources to me...
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/03/2017 04:42 PM
08/03/2017 04:42 PM
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Enough of the BS!
Let's start with the supposed "stakeholder meeting".
It was not advertised as a "Stakeholder meeting" but a "stakeholder group meeting". It has been common for more than 2 decades IDNR met with "groups" to discuss management ideas.
IDWHM demanded to have multiple members present and IDNR made a decision to allow them there. Did anyone one else get an invite???? NO, it was not intended to be a public meeting at that point. IDWHM was invited to set at the table like the other invited guests, they decided to set back and become a martyr.
IDWHM had tried to get the legislature involved and was successful for their CDAC drive. Once they demeaned and insulted IDNR employees the legislators have divested themselves of the IDWHM.
Now let;s get to Tim Moore and Gary Walters, NEITHER of these two individuals stole any money from the IDHA, PERIOD! What they did participate in was spending of about $3000.00 that the IDHA did not have funds to cover. Notice how both ofthem will say "I never had control of the checkbook", correct, but as a board member you spent money you did not have.
I was elected president of the IDHA, I was shooting in an archery league when a gentleman came in and presented the delinquent bills to me in front of friends and strangers. I paid those bills out of my personal checking account, the IDHA paid me back over the next couple of years.
That is the story as it happened both past and future.
While the IDWHM thinks they can "bully" their way into management ofthe deer herd the IDHA will continue to work as a partner.
Joe Bacon President IDHA
When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/03/2017 04:58 PM
08/03/2017 04:58 PM
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Hoosier Hunter
Hoosier Hunter
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Indpls,In US
IDWHM wants to claim the IDHA is a sham and does not exist. They could be right, we had a Treasurer who did not file corporate documents correctly. But I can say with certainty that income taxes have been filed as a "non profit" with both State and Federal agencies EVERY year. The IDHA has filled out the proper corporate documents and paid needed fees to correct any errors.
I want anyone who views this to look at what the IWDHM is doing, they demean any group that has worked with IDNR in the past, they question the integrity of our present and past biologists.I thought we hired professionals to manage our wildlife?
Finally, Tim Moore says he wants to be a member of the IDHA,it wont happen. Tim wants to disrupt our mission, not on my watch.
When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/04/2017 02:57 AM
08/04/2017 02:57 AM
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Hoosier Hunter
Hoosier Hunter
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"martyr" thats funny and true in many ways!
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