Here is part of an email from IWDHM Group:
This has been like a junior high dating game. DFW, AND OLD GROUPS CAME OUT ATTACKING US FROM THE VERY START. Then called foul when we defended our position: poor implementation of Indiana statute, waste of the funding they do receive, or pointed out lack of science we still can prove with this new management plan you seen in the video. It isn't rocket science, or science at all period. Anyone with common sense can see it for themselves. How do they plan a new management plan off of surveys they have not even completed in 4 years. No information on forest depredation, true crop damage reports, no true demographics of the population, no numbers of deer vehicle collisions based on billion miles traveled.. . . . . . Little cart before the horse no matter how PC you slice it. The entire deer harvest summary is full of errors and manipulated data working to support a preconceived conclusion, PERIOD. That is not the scientific method. The old groups pretending to be representing all deer hunters when it is same handful of guys. You both state you know that as well as every political alley we have spoken to. It is like an old schoolmate hitting you but the teacher walks in only after you start defending yourself. Then the one that started it pretends to be a victim. The video of the stakeholders meeting clearly shows it how we handled ourselves and how they handled themselves, as well as the discrepancy as to what they proposed there that night and what quota's were actually used. To say they dropped 30 counties is ridiculous. Again, it is wording to satisfy the politicians who only look at the surface and listen to a few words. They are pro's at it. We have pages and pages of dated documentation to support what I am saying here, all of it.
Secondly CDACs are not about one group. They involve all stakeholders and in a perfect world the DNR would control facilitating and administration of CDACs. They have a stakeholder meeting that had four reps at the table. One forestry and three wildlife. No one else. We were thirty strong in the room. Everyone of us a stakeholder. CDAC's are that every stakeholder invited in a timely fashion with all groups, farming, deer, tourism. . . . you know the drill. Then every stakeholder that wants to be heard is heard and report goes to DNR. Simple, and basically free. To say one group wants to control it is just ludicrous BS. Right now one man sits in the Director of the FISH and Wildlife's Chair controls all of it with no accountability. To even hint that one group wants to control it is a **** cop out. If you looked at anything we ever wrote, or listened to Wisconsin's Greg Kazmierski, co Chair of Wisconsin's NRB that drove down, at his own expense, to inform you exactly how a CDAC works and how much cheaper it is. Anyone can look at the video, and I would beg them to tell me how $55,000 of OUR MONEY being spent on the harvest of 15 deer in an overpopulated community makes sense at all. Give me a couple dozen arrows and a couple three days with my bow and I can accomplish that for free, or better yet you could make money off charging me to participate. What a novel idea. I can assure you I can kill that many deer with a bow up there in 2-3 days.
Then the $55,000 they already spent plus the $25,000 they are going to throw at it again this year, would pay for the CDAC's for 50 years. So now we are talking throwing away a minimum total of $80,000 dollars of sportspersons monies. I am sure the Department of Interior would frown upon the current uses of the PR funds along with the license fees. You are not stupid, you know exactly what I am saying. However, because a group of very intelligent rednecks, speak up and speak out we are not being nice enough. Hog Wash. If they would have been smart, all they had to do at the start would have been nice, let us on the FWCC, we would have believed they listened, our following would not have even grown, and we would have ended up the same as the old groups in the end. We knew better, and so did they. These people have known me for thirty plus years. They know I will not be a part of corruption or cheating the deer hunters we are to represent, period. You have no idea of the corruption, but I do. As soon as they seen me, they knew we would tell the truth and involve the public. They tried to silence us before we ever really began. See how that worked out and they have not seen anything yet. There is a country song there. YOU AINT SEEN NOTTIN YET! People fighting for their family will never give up. Sooner or later, money or not, we will prevail.
Thirdly everyone can see the Director of DFW's outbursts. Not to mention the crap he pulled off camera. However there was enough on camera. As well as every single government official we have talked to from legislators on down to Conservation officers have stated they cannot work with the ******* including you two senators. Matt didn't come to the table because we had 30 +/- CDAC COUNCIL members there from across the state that were stakeholders as well as anyone else at a semi-secret Stakeholders meeting put on by the DFW. We even posted the email chain about the scheduling and notice of the meeting. The stakeholders meeting was not a meeting at all rather a dictation as to what they were going to do, though even that proved to be false. Period it is all there in the video. You are not that stupid to say that because we are negative, Matt didn't go to the table, or IWDHM Group wants to dictate DFW deer management, we shot ourselves in the foot. Every bit of negativity is based on fact with confirmation of sources, period. That is bullshit. Flat out. That might not be politically correct cheery speech to confuse and talk around the issue; however, it is bullshit and you know it.
I thank God our forefathers did not live in this politically correct world that doesn't care about individual citizens rights and responsibilities. I seen a video clip of one of Senator Tomes town hall meetings. Some of the people there did the same thing as Reiter and the old groups at the table. 3 people, period, saying they were the voice of the deer hunter and wildlife enthusiast. THREE THREE THREE. Just as in that town hall meeting, Senator Tomes called them out. Talked about Tom Brokaw's book THE GREATEST GENERATION, how those of us that work hard, give respect to everyone's rights (as you can see in the videos as well we did). The outbreaks were from the Director only. So like Senator Tomes we were pissed off, are pissed off, and will be pissed off until this wrong is righted. We still have the courts if we can figure out how we can get the money. We will. We also have the power of a lot of people, and I have a lot of outdoor writers contacts all over this country from my work in that field. Actually I edited a book for the DNR DFW/IDHA for twelve years for no pay or compensation. NONE. Two Governors, wrote forwards to those books for me in each edition. Both Governor's praised how sportsmen and the DFW worked together to get things done. One Governor even come to our annual family picnic by helicopter one summer. We have lost that. I already know M R James has an article ready for publication on a National level. It will not take me long to organize all I have written for regional and national magazines as well. We have some pretty powerful people ready to help in publication, online publications, and outdoor TV. That is not a threat. However, don't talk to us like we are children that must play nice when the people we pay to do their job do not! Reiter called Wisconsin DNR Peers and said I personally was a nut job and he would take care of me. Straight from Kaz and with other things straight up the ladder in Wisconsin Executive branch. The IDNR and DFW lie, misappropriate funds, misuse funds, manipulate numbers and attempt to throw it out there as science using a couple of big words that people don't understand, just think OH WELL it is the DNR they know what they are doing. I agree they know it and are doing just the opposite. They evidently forgotten who they serve, and who any state bureaucrat should answer to. Then who are we do trust and believe in for the majority of middle class families. Who advocates for us. **** they have been taught they can do whatever they like, no one can take them to court to fight it. Well I think the deer farmer proved that wrong, but at what cost to us citizens in that litigation process. We to will find a way.
You know the Greatest Generation had a strong influence of many in my generation. Some of us raised our kids with those same principles and values. We call a spade a spade. We are not going to sugar coat blatant mismanagement of our resources. We are not going to stand by and be apathetic to the lies, that are destroying our way of life that we worked **** HARD for. I am just a Redneck with PTSD, many may think I am just a hothead. Nope I am just not apathetic, don't trust bullshit, and smart enough to recognize such. You are correct most today are apathetic towards government. They are in debt, work all day, get their kids from daycare, feed them, tuck them in, only to get up the next day and do it all again. Over and Over and Over. They save their vacation for that week or two of hunting with their family and friends. Most don't have time to fight the DNR, they got to feed their kids first, most don't have time to even vote. That what you guys are elected for to represent your local citizens. represent us, fight with us for something bigger than ourselves, something to be remembered by, maybe not in a personal sense, but in the sense individuals will know the generation before them proved to be great stewards for their resources. Some may think it is just a **** deer. No sir it is a lifestyle that many of us enjoy, that is historically, biblical, and morally ethically right. Right is on our side.
We in good faith spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of manhours pulling of not just 6 but 10 pilots. They did not even use them. Except reduce a few in thirty counties without significantly making a dent in the problem for even the thirty. Well if you are not going to introduce legislation, they are not going to keep their word, we will have to come up with something else. We will. I does piss me off as well, that we jumped through every hoop, time after time, just do this one more thing. We did it at costs in money and time, that took away from our families and responsibilities. All because we see what is going on, we are trying so **** hard for our kids. Then the DNR tells you well we reduced 30 counties by one or two bonus tags, and they are not going to not relinquishing control to us, which you **** well know was never the plan. So they say what I can type in one sentence and we speak the truth about everything negative or positive, it is the truth, so that makes their results look like a bowl of cherrys that don't need to be accountable. Even the old groups little forum of a handful are saying what we are. Look on the DNR LAW ENFORCEMENT FB pages, I tagged you in one. Look in the comments sections of their posts releasing the county quotas. But hey we all just a bunch of negative rednecks. We are not stupid either. Thanks for the hoops you assisted in putting before us, evidently knowing full well you would not take on the DNR.