Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/06/2017 02:19 AM
08/06/2017 02:19 AM
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Originally posted by THROBAK: I Think the Group has been given enough rope that they have hung themselves Demanding that they be heard and the suggestions presented be the final say I just cannot understand ?? I'll stick with the "Old Groups " and the Prooven Leadership !! The BIGGEST problem that group has is there PR person.....remove him and there path goes foward!
Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason "Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/06/2017 09:17 AM
08/06/2017 09:17 AM
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Originally posted by jjas: It's no secret that I've had my differences with some of the positions the old groups have taken in the past. My biggest issue was (and still is), that I don't want a small number of people purportedly speaking for me (and yes, that includes CDACs).
I would much rather the IDNR and F&W find a way to poll hunters, landowners, business owners, non-hunters, etc online with an ID number of some sort that prevents multiple posts from individuals and/or groups. I've watched the videos from the meeting (that is continually being posted and complained about by the IWDHM) and the biologist said they are working towards a system that will allow for more input from citizens.
IMO, that's what many want and I personally feel that's what we need. The DNR is definitely on the right's an email I sent to Dr. Joe Caudell right after that meetings. Mr. Caudell,
I just recently watched the presentation you gave at the deer stakeholder's meeting on 5/8/17. I really look forward to the goals you proposed, and feel that you are taking the right steps to keep our deer herd maintained.
I have often thought that the new online check-in system has been under-utilized for gauging the hunter and stakeholder's opinions on the deer herd. I was pleased to hear of your plans to expand on this during the deer season for hunters that are successful and check in a deer online.
I heard someone say, to the effect, "Well that's great for hunters, what about non-hunters, how do their opinions get submitted?"
To my recollection, any person can sign into the online system and receive their customer identification number (CID number), even without having ever bought a fishing/hunting license. So, I think it would maybe make more sense to allow the survey to be completed independently of checking in a deer, as well.
The survey could still be controlled to only allow 1 response per CID number, which should prevent erroneous data.
This concept may be what you were already planning, but I thought I would at least present my idea, as it made sense to me.
Alex Lowe
Caudell, Joe
May 16
Hey Alex,
Thanks for the comment. That is what we are thinking. Anybody can get a CID number, so that may work. Or we would use some sort of similar unique id number. Some of the surveys would be independent of checking in deer, others would be associated with successful deer hunting. Hopefully this would give us a broad range of input.
Sent from my iPhone
Joe N Caudell, Ph.D. State Deer Biologist Bloomington Field Office 5596 East State Road 46 Bloomington, Indiana 47401 (812) 822-3300
From Indianapolis, IN Live in Independence, KY Hunt in Vevay, IN
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/12/2017 03:05 PM
08/12/2017 03:05 PM
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Originally posted by jjas: Tim,
Your group hasn't, and never will speak for me and that is the message I (and others) have sent to everyone from the Governor on down... AMEN...+1 
Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason "Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/12/2017 03:16 PM
08/12/2017 03:16 PM
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Originally posted by QUINCY HUNTER: jjas
There is no membership in a CDAC it's for all hunters and non hunters deer enthusiast deer watchers photographers citizens to decide what's right in your County
Tim Moore I don't want a few members of ANY county CDAC purporting to speak for me. Just as I didn't want the old groups speaking for me when prop 1 was being debated. And FWIW, even if I agreed with some of the positions of your group, I can't support it due to your tactics.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/12/2017 04:58 PM
08/12/2017 04:58 PM
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Originally posted by QUINCY HUNTER: Jjas and Brew
You two enjoy Because if you watch Stakeholder Group meeting there were only 3 count them 3 sitting at the table speaking for you me and everyone else in Indiana Wake up You two can't see the Forest for the Trees either
I don't want three people agreeing on what I want to happen in a conference room in Indianapolis which is exactly what happened!
So give me 20 rednecks in 92 counties sending a recommendation to Joe Caudell than what happened Perhaps re-reading what I posted earlier would make things clearer for you (as far as my position goes)... I don't want a few members of ANY county CDAC purporting to speak for me. Just as I didn't want the old groups speaking for me when prop 1 was being debated.So as far as seeing goes, I see just fine... Have a nice evening...
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/13/2017 08:56 AM
08/13/2017 08:56 AM
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Originally posted by QUINCY HUNTER: You don't want anyone speaking to DNR except You??
That's Funny
😂😂😂 Sounded more like he can speak on his own behalf same as anyone else.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/13/2017 09:30 AM
08/13/2017 09:30 AM
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Originally posted by js2397: Originally posted by QUINCY HUNTER: [b] You don't want anyone speaking to DNR except You??
That's Funny
😂😂😂 Sounded more like he can speak on his own behalf same as anyone else. [/b]Exactly, I've never felt like I had no avenue for giving my opinion or feelings to the IDNR or anyone else for that matter. Joe Caudell is going to see this is expanded even more, excluding no one and placing ZERO between a hunter and giving his opinion to the state, that is better than anything I've seen proposed. I also have faith in Joe being able to understand opinions are measures of emotion more than fact sometimes...tough to measure but very importanr.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/13/2017 10:02 AM
08/13/2017 10:02 AM
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Originally posted by QUINCY HUNTER: You don't want anyone speaking to DNR except You??
That's Funny
😂😂😂 I never said that. I understand what the IDHA and other groups have tried to accomplish over the years. And while I completely disagree with the tactics and attitude of your group, I understand why you are trying to have your voices heard. What I'm saying, is that I don't care for others purporting to speak for me and many of us want to improve the existing abilities to speak to the IDNR directly. Based on what he proposed during the meeting, my hope is that Joe Caudell can bring forth a better way to communicate with residents. And I agree with Tynimiller that doing that would definitely be better than anything else I've seen proposed.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/14/2017 10:35 AM
08/14/2017 10:35 AM
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Originally posted by Kyle E: Tim how's come IWDHM bans people from posting if they disagree? To be fair to Tim, he is not someone with moderator powers on their Facebook page. At least that is my understanding. That lies elsewhere.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/14/2017 02:27 PM
08/14/2017 02:27 PM
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Jeff Valovich
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oh heck, I just want to know what happened at the state fair with this guy ;0)
"Liberalism is a mental disorder"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/14/2017 02:51 PM
08/14/2017 02:51 PM
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Originally posted by Jeff Valovich: oh heck, I just want to know what happened at the state fair with this guy ;0) wait what did I miss?
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/14/2017 05:31 PM
08/14/2017 05:31 PM
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Jeff Valovich
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look at the bottom of page 2 ..
"Liberalism is a mental disorder"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/15/2017 07:08 AM
08/15/2017 07:08 AM
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If I may, clearly there are enough emotions and drama circling this topic. Some good info and some bad. I have followed, unfollowed and followed again the IDHWM and their posts on FB. I have disagreed with a few tactics and maybe even some of their conclusions, but one question or line of questions that has been posed and to my knowledge ignored is this.
How many deer hunters/deer "stake holders" does the IDHA represent and how do they gather that information?
Was there a survey taken, results compiled and those results shared with the IDNR?
Is this an organization with a common goal reporting to the government or is it an outdated group with little input and simply acts as a conduit for a few to influence the many?
Chief Operating Officer American Hunting Lease Association
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/15/2017 11:02 AM
08/15/2017 11:02 AM
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Originally posted by ferb55: If I may, clearly there are enough emotions and drama circling this topic. Some good info and some bad. I have followed, unfollowed and followed again the IDHWM and their posts on FB. I have disagreed with a few tactics and maybe even some of their conclusions, but one question or line of questions that has been posed and to my knowledge ignored is this.
How many deer hunters/deer "stake holders" does the IDHA represent and how do they gather that information?
Was there a survey taken, results compiled and those results shared with the IDNR?
Is this an organization with a common goal reporting to the government or is it an outdated group with little input and simply acts as a conduit for a few to influence the many?
Thoughts? Why not ask Joe yourself? He posts here under the name of jbwhttail.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/15/2017 11:21 AM
08/15/2017 11:21 AM
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I know who Joe is (I have zero animosity to him or the IDHA) and I thought I just did.
Chief Operating Officer American Hunting Lease Association
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/15/2017 11:44 AM
08/15/2017 11:44 AM
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Originally posted by ferb55: I know who Joe is (I have zero animosity to him or the IDHA) and I thought I just did. My apologies...Your post didn't read as if it were directed @ Joe... Perhaps a PM to him (Joe) would get the response you are after in a more expedient manner?
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/15/2017 12:29 PM
08/15/2017 12:29 PM
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Originally posted by tynimiller: It doesn't matter how many IDHA members there are IMO. I'm not one, nor plan on becoming or ever was.
Whether that figure is 1 (Joe himself) or 10, me nothing changes. Exactly.... that should be a DNR question if they think a certain number is needed!
Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason "Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/16/2017 03:58 AM
08/16/2017 03:58 AM
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Ok guys, so to be clear. I don't really care for the way the IDWHM handled their movement. Well intentioned and truth be told they make some fair points. But in the end, they came in with a hammer and expected everyone to take their word. Just doesn't happen like that. To my point above though, If the president of an organization sits on a board or attends a meeting and is introduced as the representative from that organization he/she is clearly representing the members of his/her group. Numbers don't really matter here, although it is clearly implied here that the president does have a significant number of members and has his finger on the pulse so to speak of those members. However, in this instance are the actual "deer hunters of Indiana" being honestly represented? I would ask how? Even without numbers, when was the survey distributed and completed? What was the rate of return? what were the results? How do we expect to have any real influence at the state level when what we really are is an unorganized group of hobbyists who truly cannot even unite themselves? I am all for the IDHA in some form representing me at the state level. But, to have one person claim to be that voice..without every attempting to reach me is not it. I am well aware of who the president is and choose not to use his name here only because it doesn't matter who is in that position, only that the position further the agenda/comments/desires of his or her membership. So again...was there a survey taken, were the results compiled and reported and how many active members does the IDHA have? These are simple, objective questions with no slant either way.
Chief Operating Officer American Hunting Lease Association
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/16/2017 04:01 AM
08/16/2017 04:01 AM
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jjas, thanks for your suggestion, but I prefer this question be posed, debated and answered publicly.
It's why I created this site.
Chief Operating Officer American Hunting Lease Association
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/16/2017 06:11 AM
08/16/2017 06:11 AM
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Ferb.... could you explain the topic of the survey you are asking about and why would've there been a survey done?
What decisions/rules where made at this meeting that you wasn't in favor of?
Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason "Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/16/2017 09:42 AM
08/16/2017 09:42 AM
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Originally posted by ferb55: Ok guys, so to be clear. I don't really care for the way the IDWHM handled their movement. Well intentioned and truth be told they make some fair points. But in the end, they came in with a hammer and expected everyone to take their word. Just doesn't happen like that. To my point above though, If the president of an organization sits on a board or attends a meeting and is introduced as the representative from that organization he/she is clearly representing the members of his/her group. Numbers don't really matter here, although it is clearly implied here that the president does have a significant number of members and has his finger on the pulse so to speak of those members. However, in this instance are the actual "deer hunters of Indiana" being honestly represented? I would ask how? Even without numbers, when was the survey distributed and completed? What was the rate of return? what were the results? How do we expect to have any real influence at the state level when what we really are is an unorganized group of hobbyists who truly cannot even unite themselves? I am all for the IDHA in some form representing me at the state level. But, to have one person claim to be that voice..without every attempting to reach me is not it. I am well aware of who the president is and choose not to use his name here only because it doesn't matter who is in that position, only that the position further the agenda/comments/desires of his or her membership. So again...was there a survey taken, were the results compiled and reported and how many active members does the IDHA have? These are simple, objective questions with no slant either way. While I can appreciate the time and effort that the IDHA and IWDHM have given, it makes zero difference to me how many members the IDHA has or how many likes the IWDHM has on facebook as I don't want either one speaking for me and I've made that abundantly clear from prop 1 to now. I hope that Joe Caudell can figure out a method of allowing ALL citizens (hunters and non-hunters alike) to have direct input with the DNR and let them know what we like and don't like about the present regs, our perceived state of the deer herd and new reg proposals in the future.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/16/2017 10:12 AM
08/16/2017 10:12 AM
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Sure. IF the IDHA represents the deer hunters of Indiana in planning and strategy meetings, I would think a questionaire or survey with questions regarding opinions on harvest numbers, legal weapons, season dates, etc would be helpful when speaking on behalf of the states deer hunters, or the very least the members of the organizastion. The president of the IDHA was clearly introduced at the "stake holders meeting". (whatever that was)
That doesn't seem to be crazy to me. Seems like standard practice.
Do you disagree?
Chief Operating Officer American Hunting Lease Association
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/18/2017 05:31 AM
08/18/2017 05:31 AM
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I am happy that you trust the president of the IDHA absolutely with your hunting. Frankly, I do trust him to a point. As I recall, I was against the one buck rule, BUT several years into it I have certainly changed my opinion. I believe he and the IDHA were for it. However, I do take a peek at the checkbook every once in a while even though I trust my wife and she handles our finances. So, for me, its not so much a trust issue because I don"t know the people making decisions and recommendations on my behalf. Surely, there is a way to take the pulse of the hunters in this state AND compile AND analyze AND consider that information. Make sense? Or is just allowing allowing a very select few with no real constituency ok?
Chief Operating Officer American Hunting Lease Association
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/18/2017 07:24 AM
08/18/2017 07:24 AM
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Ferb.... where have you seen a "few" make a decision on deer hunting rules and the DNR not take public input on the subject? Please do tell.... maybe I am missing something!
Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason "Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/18/2017 09:28 AM
08/18/2017 09:28 AM
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DNR has done random hunter surveys by mail over the years, using the mailing address info on file from license purchasers. I've actually gotten one or two of those surveys. They also provide the on-line input form when there's a significant issue up for consideration. The most recent one I recall participating in was the center-fire rifle issue. That was before our illustrious state legislature took over and over-rode the DNR's decision on that one. But they seem to take input from all-comers whether it is groups or individuals, and consider the various sources of input. I highly doubt they are naive about this in any way. You can bet though, that the various DNR powers-that-be have their own personal preferences on these issues, and those preferences will always be meaningful toward any final policy.
Re: Response for IWDHM?
08/18/2017 09:29 AM
08/18/2017 09:29 AM
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Not exactly what I am asking about. I have the right and the ability to give my input to the IDNR directly at certain meetings. I get that.
My question was simply does the IDHA have a mechanism for polling its members and relaying that information to the people who do make decisions. OR does the president simply relay his agenda and assume it is what everyone else wants?
The simple answer and the one that most organizations in this country would give is that they value the opinions of their membership and seek to enlighten themselves and those hunters outside their membership by representing the opinions/desires of their members in one united voice. Not sure the IDHA actually exists anymore.
I have my answer. Thanks for engaging in a civil manner. All my best.
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