Deer hunting is an ever-changing world. It might not seem that way on the surface, but it is. Deer populations rise, fall and run stagnant. Sometimes big bucks are killed. Other years they aren’t. Some seasons produce big deer in areas Booners haven’t been seen for years. Just take the recent Tucker buck from Tennessee as an example. The beauty in Boone & Crockett’s Trophy Records search function? We can see where the big bucks are coming from right now, not just the deer that were killed a half-century ago.

We’ve compiled the data from the last five years based on number of entries per square mile to eliminate the advantage of being a larger state. We’ve done this to show where the biggest bucks are coming from right now and to shed a little light on what the future of Boone & Crockett bucks looks like in America.

Whether you’re looking to buy land, lease ground, or just trying to determine where the best place is for a Booner this fall, we’ve got the information you need right here. No bull. Just the facts.

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"