Originally posted by pav:
Originally posted by garman6:
Originally posted by pav:
Originally posted by BREW...:
I would think the two would have to go together to achieve a set goal.Deerhunter/Deerherd
Not happening today. Our regs are set up for maximum hunter opportunity with little regard for the resource. Deer are treated like vermin in Indiana...not much better than coyotes. [/b]
We are both vermin, left unchecked humans will kill and eat everything in sight, deer left unchecked will eat everything in sight and die of starvation in front yards. The managing department has established a sustainable herd where hunters are the primary controlling factor. If the numbers grow farmers and auto drivers (Insurance Companies) are going to plead for higher kill rates and more reduction. With these driving factors in our governing bodies its never going to change. These threads are simply a dumping place for frustrated hunters whose voice is only heard here. Just enjoy what you have, take what you need, and protect what is left. [/b]Sorry, I've never been a "bend over and take it" kind of guy...and if you knew me, you would know that for fact. Plenty of states successfully manage deer herds without 40+ days of gun annihilation, full crossbow inclusion and basically unlimited tags (i.e too damned much hunting pressure)! What's happening right now in Indiana is unprecedented compared to other Midwestern whitetail states. If it is allowed to continue much longer....and the voices of frustrated hunters bother you....brace yourself!
Your last words were "protect what is left". That's exactly why I'm voicing my concerns, and not just online.
Hunters that hunt mature bucks only are a minority, those that use a bow-crossbow only, even more so. The best,easiest way your going to have to increase herd numbers is simply lowering bag limits.