Originally posted by Scarlett Dew:
I understand that observation Bryan78..... totally do. I'll try to shed some insight on to that.
There are a few here that have tried to make good people here look like zhit holes since some of us stood up for Prop #1 about 5 years ago. They were trying everything possible to get that abolished since it meant Crossbows were not to be included across the board. We all had different views on such......but instead of those few individuals sticking to facts about the integrity of the people posting......they started falsely accusing good people of baiting, use of cell service trail cams, and other pretty screwed up stuff. Their intent was to lie.....demonize.......make phone calls to try and shut good events down that they don't agree with or are jealous of, and mislead to get what they wanted..... and to this day some of them just go by an alias and have no face or accountability to their attacking ways. I was included in that group they targeted....and still am targeted.......and it drives them NUTS I gut their goofy stuff here in public....so they resort to name calling or nursery rhyme chants in their responses....and even put crap about "beating of others keeps the planets aligned", and are proud of that as it appears as their signature on every post..... with kids/teens/and new hunters watching what our ranks are made of.
I firmly believe those people should be treated as the rats they are....... they are here to hurt good people. They will find no shelter from me..... and my words I type will describe them just the way they are..... and will precisely describe their behavior and what they are precisely doing to others and this neat sport.
It's not a matter of agreeing with me....... as I have not agreed with some stuff I've seen you post Bryan78.... It's a matter of years of them being deceptive, and demonizing good men for something that they are not that makes my words sharper for just a few here. I am not here to make them agree with me, because they will NOT change.......I am here to expose them for who they are......and let others then decide where they stand with EVERYTHING out on the table on the issues being discussed...
Just some insight.......
Since I don't know everybody here on a personal level I'm not going to go out and call others rats for whatever reason but I will say that I agree with you on some of the things posted... There is a lot of stupid childish banter that gets posted on here...
I didn't like Prop 1 then and still don't to this day... I also think the second it would have been adopted then the General Assembly would have gotten involved... All it takes is
ONE Assembly member or relative of one to get butthurt and they will stick their nose in and we will all be mad just like when they got involved in the rifle debate when the DNR shot it down...
Before we adjust any season or length, will all better be on the same page and agree on everything to keep the General Assembly out of it... Once they get delve into it, then it is all over...
I wouldn't be against starting gun season on the Saturday before Thanksgiving as long as it was kept at the current 16 days...
I also wouldn't be against starting gun season the first Saturday in December for 16 days as long as if
ALL deer hunting was banned in November... If the whole point is to grow bigger bucks and protecting the rut, then
EVERYONE is going to give up something...