Originally posted by Cody.Query:
I take Dew's comments that he is talking about something besides his own little piece of the hunting land. I don't see him as unhappy with his opportunities at all. Seems he does just fine.
Maybe he just sees the potential others could also have under the right management and wants to lobby for that. Maybe he thinks of something other than his own opportunity and that he would like to see the state adopt some of the same philosophies he utilizes on his properties so others can have the opportunity to experience the same things rather than criticize him. Maybe this would have the side effect of improving his hunting as well.
And maybe he has managed his property where he needs to take does or maybe not. A ton of maybes but I don't see where it matters what he shot in any scenario as he seems really happy with his area and I'm certain no matter what answer he gives it isn't going to satisfy you.
You are all opinionated and passionate but I don't think you know his motivation for speaking his mind any more than he does yours.
It's not his message or passion for deer I have a problem with... Dew is probably one of the most passionate people on here when it comes to deer hunting and I would never question it... But it's his attitude about it is what I have a problem with... Kinda of hard to convince people to listen to you and be accepting of your ideas when you berate them for not agreeing with you... The right attitude goes a long way with people...
I agree with Dew that we have to many gun hunting days as it is unnecessary... But I also think that 16 days for gun hunting is not unreasonable at all... I believe that we have too many days to bow hunt and think our bow season is completely ridiculous...
I think all deer hunting should end at the end of firearm season as I believe after a two month beating our herd takes is a God's plenty...
But I also believe there are other ways to manage our herd that will benefit all besides emulating other states season structure...
I also believe the same brown and down guys with our season setup will just be the same brown and down guys with someone else's season structure here... If people want bigger deer than they need to stop shooting small deer period and you don't need move seasons around to get that...The two deer my buddy shot this year were still smaller together then the buck I shot was... Even though my buddy will pass on deer on occasions, I would still classify him as a brown and down guy because the two deer he shot I would have passed on because they were too small for me to deal with... Since I have a lifetime license, I don't care if I shoot a deer or not as I'm not out much of anything other then time and gas...