Originally posted by BREW...:
Man Made.... Not real for the most part but they do know how to market there target group of buyers.
Tinks is 100% ALL NATURAL doe estrus urine!
http://www.tinks.com/tinks69/?gclid...UCOgDQirqyj-0q768VKQjIg434mMpxoCCvLw_wcB Brew pulls more crap out of his butt...
Do you work for them brew? Where do you make this stuff up from? And WHY do you make up stuff?? WOW
It's the only estrus lure I use any more. It's the ONLY lure that I've had bucks over a lot of years, come to and stick their noses straight on it! The ONLY one that has brought those results! Had 2 do it this year!!