Solo, I understand your approach and most others. I don't want to come across as complaining. I'm fortunate to have a lease where most in the area have similar views. I do get frustrated on my dads place though. It is in pike county where ehd hit several years ago. It drilled the population. We expressed concern several times with the dnr but they basically ignored us. Anyway I like to b able to hunt with him there but no longer feel it can withstand any kills there. I don't mind hunting hard and not seeing deer but flat out knowing I'm not going to shoot one if it would present itself is not a possibility right now with a young family and time restraints. It would be great if all hunters were like most on here and managed each property as appropriate, unfortunately most hunters don't. I won't give up, it is just frustrating hearing from some that have no idea about certain areas because they hunt their own little piece of dirt. Again I don't presume every area is seeing major declines in numbers but I do know several areas that are and I most would like to inform others that these areas are out there and could continue to grow if a close eye isn't kept on the resource.

"Form your own thoughts, instead of quoting another's original insight."-Cody Query