Thank you for your thoughts guys. I find many of you mimic my personal thoughts concerning calling. I can positively state I've killed many deer due to the calling. I like to use blind calling and do this often. I will use calling all season and adjust to align with the stages of the rut. I use doe bleats and grunts every 20 minutes or so. I do this softly and often will use such calling during the entire season. As many of you have stated I get aggressive as the season progresses. My best buck to date is the result of mixing doe and buck vocalizations while sitting mid day. I'd watched the buck and another very large guy chasing a doe for a good half hour. There were also 5 or 6 small guys hanging around the edges. Eventually all of this activity disappeared down the way but I made sure to call every 15 or 20 minutes. About an hour later the buck came over the rise behind me; searching. I'm certain he was searching for what was making the noise. He ended up walking in behind me and then started to angle past me continuing down the ridge. As he entered an opening at 30 yards I sent an arrow angling back to front through his chest. Dropped him within seconds and 35 or so yards. He grosses 172 or so and weighed 235 pounds dressed...3 days after I killed him.