Ive called in quite a few deer, the 190lb 8pt I killed this year was called in.... I use an older TruTalker, primarily for Doe Bleats and then a Drury Hyper Growl for Grunts...I use to use and still have the Primos "Roar" and called in some nice bucks with it doing the "Roar's" and bawls, but it takes a lot of air and you cant get soft with it, so I went to the Drury call which I can go soft or loud with and it really makes some great sounding grunts, "roars" and bawls...... as for rattling, I dont even try it any longer... unless the buck doe population is good, I have never had much luck with it...sure it works in some locations, esp. where there isnt much pressure, but I leave the antlers at home now adays.... I do both blind calling and call to bucks when I see 'em... the buck this year I didnt even know he was around until he came it looking for the source of the calls.... I did some soft bleats, then followed up with some grunts and tending grunts.....deer calls can be used softly or very agrressively....when the bucks are fired up, I'll go aggressive and do snort wheezes, "Roars" and bawls along with tending grunts and bleats....you want to simulate a horny buck chasing that Doe, he's frustrated 'cause she isnt ready to stand yet and he can make all types of sounds....years back I watched and heard a buck do and make about every sound a buck can chasing this big Doe around, he grunted, he did long drawn out tending grunts, he "roared" he bawled, then then finally ran off him in hot pursiut..... you can over do it and do grunts wrong also, it aint a dying rabbit call nor is it a duck call..... once while hunting JP, I was set up along the down side of a ridge, and right before light, I watched a guy come in and set up about 150 yds away on the other side of the ridge from me, I couldnt see him, but boy I could sure hear him...he sounded awful...he started "grunting" like the call was a coyote call, 5-10 minutes straight, then shut up and do it again, finally afer 30 or so minutes of the crap, I couldnt take it anylonger... I yelled at the top of my lungs "SHUT UP will ya", with a few expelitives tossed in !!...he finally shut up, never did see him again... you can get aggressive, just dont over do it, sometimes less is better, a few grunts, a few bleats, then SHUT UP...lol..

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"