If it was your father, I would say something else. An in-law..... I would tell him that he used up his quota for the next 3 years. Tell him that you have a 1 deer limit and he used up 3 years worth.
You can say it jokingly, but mean it. You can tell him outright, that he took a lot of deer so you are hunting it exclusively next year.
I would tell him outright NOT wait until next year to come around. Just let him know... You're banned for 2 years. Period.
When ever I hunted on other peoples' property, I always ask if there is a particular deer that is reserved, if there is a large buck that they see all the time that I am not allowed to shoot or if they have a preference... etc.
If I am anything, it is super respectful of land owners. That's just me, though. Some people take advantage of situations and people and chalk it up as a "win" even if they lose in the long run. It sounds like your father in law is just like this.
Deer Hunting since 1999 (Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Montana Antelope)
Marketing Guy in Chicago but grew up in Indiana/ Ball State.. blah blah blah.