Did you set up any ground rules when you allowed him to hunt?.. If not, then don't be mad him for it you have only yourself to blame...

Also, you lost more then 3 deer from your woods...
Those two does could have both produced twins next year so you lost up to six deer so it might take a couple of seasons to get your numbers back up...

I hunt at my buddy place (didn't this year) but I am more than welcome to go down anytime I want but I always text my buddy's wife to let her know I'm coming down so she knows I'll be there but I also do it out of respect for them and their property...

I recommend next year if you allow him to hunt on your property that he notifies you in advance so you know he will be there and you can instruct him to not use your stand and I would institute a one and done policy... You harvest one, and you are done hunting on the property for the rest of the year...