Here is the before and after of those two Ohio bucks that my friend gave to me to do for him several years ago. Again, I forgot about them and after I removed the bulk of the meat, I let them sit in a closed plastic container in the woods with a few holes to let bugs in. The result after 7 or 8 years was horrible stains and nasty dry flesh. But they ended up cleaning up and whitening out nicely. It took several applications of a mix of Volume 40 and Basic White along with sitting in the sun to bleach them out. I ended up wrapping them in clear plastic wrap to keep the moisture in the whiteners in, yet let the UV sunshine and heat of the sun in. That combo kicked the stains in the back side after about a week. I texted a photo to my buddy and he is pretty excited to finally have them coming back to him. I think he is coming to hunt this weekend so he can take them home with him.

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New Day Outdoors Productions - It's a New Day in the Outdoors
Magnus Broadheads
Take a child hunting.
Wear a safety harness at all times ... TRUST ME!