It has been a great year. My daughters both tagged out on bucks so my season was a success even if I didn't kill anything. All last summer I had been watching two bucks in particular, both high 140's class deer. Both deer were killed by other bow hunters (I know both of the young men and I could not be happier for them both), so I really did not know what to expect for my opportunities. I had some other bucks on camera as well that were decent and figured if the mood struck me I would kill one. Mid last week I found that one of these such bucks had made a home in my swamp. I watched him come out of the swamp two out of three afternoons, so with the wind forecast right on Friday morning, I hatched a plan to set up on him. Sure enough at about 9:30 in the morning here he came, checking thickets for does. I ended up working the grunt call pretty hard to convince him that he should check out his bedroom a little earlier than he intended. At 28 yards I let an arrow fly and it was over. Not the biggest buck that I have on camera, but it is my first main frame 10 with a bow and I am very happy with him. This buck is icing on the cake for what has been an amazing fall of deer hunting.

Here is video of the hunt.

[Linked Image]

New Day Outdoors Productions - It's a New Day in the Outdoors
Magnus Broadheads
Take a child hunting.
Wear a safety harness at all times ... TRUST ME!