It was a 1 mile walk in with the LW Alpha II and the 4 climbing sticks, I had 8 does around me in this location back on the 14th from 5-30 yds, but due to brush and shot angles, they all walked off....this is a area within JP where no stands/blinds can be left "unattended/over night", so what you pack in must come out with you. They also have this rule on the Nature Conservancy property and at Aukiki.... it is also archery only in these locations, no gun deer hunting on the TNC and the WRA properties or Aukiki..... ... this way no one is hogging up areas by plastering stands all around. like they do in the other areas... I guess last season there was a fight over a location and preset stands.......another thing I think that helps is that all the waterfowl guys must stop and leave the WRA at 12 noon, so the cranes can have some peace and quiet and migrating fowl are not disturbed in the evening ... Oh, it was also a 1 mile work out with him and the deer cart getting him out by myself ... I'll continue to try and finish up on a big Doe with the last archery tag, I cut and trimmed around 30 locations this past Jan/Feb/March so I have locations to go to as winds switch and deer patterns of Friday when I killed him, the office there said only 4 deer had been turned in to date.... this is an area of around 9000 acres including all the water areas, Ive killed some big deer out of there, been hunting it for 30 or so years, but it aint like what it used to be, deer population wise....the hey days were mid to late '90's ... I can tell the population is down, as can other guys Ive talked too....but there is still a few good bucks killed from there each season... Gun season it stupid there, I'd hate to see it if they ever allow the rifles on the place ... they only killed 126 deer from there last season and only 112 in 2014... it used to be over 200 a year ....Kingsbury only killed 93 last season, they used to kill around 300 a year ..