We run several cams. I can honestly say it has never helped me kill a deer. Quite the opposite - it probably has saved more deer.

I like knowing what is out there in numbers, ratios, fawn recruitment, predators, and trespassers. We also glass - A LOT but could never scout like a cam does. It gives us a great overall picture of our local deer herd. In recent years we have not shot does due to information received.

We usually put a name with a buck. Some might call that cheesy or whatever. Honestly, I don't really care what anyone thinks. It is fun to run cams with Luke and when a buck we have is there it just creates a recognition. We don't spend any time making them all have names but some will.

In my experience the cams are used for more as a data tool than a killing tool. If you don't like them that's cool. It has not diminished our hunting joy or experiences.

Fishing and honeybee time