By the sounds of it, the little girl in the post had a good "hunt". I doubt she would say it ruined it. In fact, the knowledge of how predictable the deer's movement was probably turned the tides on fair chase and, inwardly, she recognized this. That is a great step forward in becoming an ethical hunter. And wildlife watching is a fine pursuit and accomplishes most of the same goals for children as hunting does. And she did say she would kill some of her less favorite deer given the chance.

I do get a little nervous about how they impact the public's perception of hunters. Running surveillance on the woods seems a tough sell in the fair-chase arena. I watch Midwest Whitetails and they are heavy into using cams for patterning specific deer. This week's episode was focused on cam and bait pile placement to find a buck's core area and daytime movement. The obvious goal is to increase the chances to kill the deer. I'm not real sure about my feelings on that but I can guess a non-hunter's stance.

I always use the wife test to anticipate how non-hunters would react to things we do. My wife is an ardent supporter of my hunting but does not hunt. I think I would have a hard time defending the way cams are used on that show in particular.