I agree ... it depends.

I actually went three seasons (2013-2015) never running a single trail cam. Honestly it was a refreshing change. I had found that in the past I either had a gagger on camera that then became my object of obsession to the point that work and family time suffered. Or I had nothing good on camera and would go into a depression to the point of not even wanting to go hunting.

I found it pretty fun to go hunt with zero expectations, the mystery of not knowing, and the element of surprise.

I went back to trail cams this year just to change it up a bit. It is nice seeing the "inventory", I will admit. Even more satisfying is that I plunged deeper into the food plot world this year. I am really enjoying trail cam photos and video of the deer and turkeys utilizing the results of my hard work. Whether it is a doe or a buck or a group of turkeys, it is just fun watching them utilizing the plots. I think it will add to my knowledge base on how I build plots or modify habitat in the future.

I never got into the whole naming the deer on camera thing. Too each his own on that one.

New Day Outdoors Productions - It's a New Day in the Outdoors
Magnus Broadheads
Take a child hunting.
Wear a safety harness at all times ... TRUST ME!