Originally posted by APIbowhunter:

You obviously only hunt deer for the antlers and bragging rights.

1) No I don't hunt for just antlers and big bucks..... in fact, most of my deer (usually at least 2-3 does per 1 buck) are does that I kill. I run a "healthy herd" operation on my farms...... and yes a by-product is older bucks, and also "middle aged" bucks and yearling bucks.......AND...... older does, middle aged does and yearling does. Balance is what I am after. I tend to target older bucks and older does when I go to harvest animals each fall. Most "just hunt with a number of deer in mind" like you........ I however hunt with a "purpose in mind". Nothing wrong with how you hunt..... but I am after a different end result than just "how many deer are in my freezer". There are more and more of hunters like me walking around these days...... and we are targets of slang terms and slang false statements as those with lesser goals and lesser effort don't want to deal with that on "them".

My guess is you don't even eat deer meat which is fine.

2) I do eat deer meat....and I process my own meat....... and I process deer for landowners and relatives too. My friends and I process around 10-15 deer a year. It's good fellowship... and feels good to give back. Wish more hunters did that.

All of your arguments are based around managing for big bucks.

3) Please see response #1. I do like seeing and hunting a more mature animal though. It's more rewarding to have harvested an animal that took some effort behind it both in skill and years of hard work/foodplots/winter feeding and such. It's neat to have some history with the bucks I'm hunting.......AND.......it's neat to make some pretty cool friends with your neighbors as they get into this too. AWESOME night in my basement as I get area land owners that border my property together as we have some Coke and Chips and look at 100's of trail cam pics through the summer..... and we all decide together what deer we shoot.....and what deer we let walk. That took work too in developing those friendships. It' pizzzes people off that I am willing to be nice to others. Crazy huh!!! smile

That can be accomplished by managing your own properties and has absolutely nothing to do with the state regs.

4) You're right....what I do has nothing to do with the state regs. What my dream is though is for EVERYONE that would at least like the chance to have what I have.......but are plagued with neighbors like jjas who could care less about gun season length, and filling tags galore, and could care less to partner up with several neighbors to accomplish a balanced/healthy herd. People like jjas and Trapperdave say they want you to feel good if you get your meat, get to hunt, get your memories, and get a trophy once in awhile.........BUT...... if you get TOOO many big deer, then that becomes a problem for them due to ego problems they themselves have...... and is NOT the ego problem of the guy/gal that gets a Big Buck every year.....but the jjas's and Trapperdaves of the world will never admit that. The other thing that goes along with this is THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH LIKING TO KILL A BIG BUCK EVERY YEAR!!! cool If that's what you want....then do it. smile You don't see me belittling people in here that shoot small bucks or are just in it for memories year after year do you?? NOPE!! I say "good for you". And it's just the same for those that like a Big Deer year after year........ good for them too!! So.....for all you "selfish" hunters out there that just want regs for Dink Bucks, Smaller Herds, and a Ton of Memories....... A growing number of us would like to see some regs that help "Mature Deer" along too......and there is nothing wrong with that......... unless your ego can't handle that like jjas and Trapperdave's demonstrate. With more Mature Bucks walking around, you'd still have plenty of dinks and does to shoot and can still make plenty of memories...Right???? Enough on that........ you get the point.

In my family between my kids and I we can kill a lot of deer however we killed 4 and called it a season. Just because the seasons are long and weapon of choice are numerous doesn't mean the herd gets wiped out.

5) Good for you!! You enjoy the way you're hunting. Cutting the number of gun days down a bit will not lower your ability to get your 4 deer each year. I hope you continue to get 4 if you want that.

I just don't understand your argument except that you only want big bucks.

6) I hope I explained enough earlier on this question. Glad you asked.

I numbered my responses to your questions.....was just easier.....hope that's OK

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