Originally posted by Bryan78:
Originally posted by pav:
[b] I highly doubt one would find many deer hunters in Iowa or Ohio (or Illinois or Kansas) that, given the choice, would be willing to trade their deer regs for the "management system" Indiana is currently saddled with.

Born and raised here, but have deer hunted all of the states listed above multiple times. Indiana has absolutely no business being the same conversation when it comes to deer management. That's more than two decades of in-the-field experience talking....not an opinion based on something I read on the internet or heard from an acquaintance.

Dew may never be accused of having a "politically correct" personality...but there is ALOT of truth in what he's saying.
I'm not saying that hunters in other states want to trade management practices, but, if their hunters are complaining about the management of their herds, then what makes their rules better than ours?...

If we adopted their rules everyone who cries and moans on this site now, will continue to do so... [/b]
We have zero chance of adopting any rules which will put an end to 100% of the moaning and complaining. It's just human nature to complain.
I have no delusions of that happening...or desire to even make an attempt.

Resident hunters tend to be "conditioned" to the resident regs. I used to be as guilty of that as anyone. Then I started hunting other states and saw first hand what deer hunting in Indiana could be. It's not just about big antlers...but big antlers are definitely a by product of sound deer management.

I would encourage anyone...if you ever get the chance, have this discussion with a REAL deer biologist. I'm not talking about a state employee on a political gag order...I'm talking about a private sector deer biologist that actually manages a deer herd in the best interest, which includes carrying capacity and age structure, of the resource.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.