Jeff, I believe I already did. My family harvested what we can use and called it a season. The people that struggle to kill or see deer need to quit killing deer until the herd gets to the numbers they think it should be. There will never be a time when all hunters are satisfied. I've had seasons that I struggled but continued to hunt and eventually it all came together. I've had seasons where the freezer was full by the end of October. If it weren't for the options that Indiana allows there are times I wouldn't have filled the freezer. I meat hunt first antler hunt second.

I had cameras out most of the season and got pics of a lot of does and small bucks. Never got a pic of any good bucks however a 165 inch deer and my sons 148 inch 8 pointer was killed on this farm which goes back to the other point I made. Just because you don't see deer doesn't mean they aren't there.