People are dropping their bows to use the more longer range and easier to use crossbows..... all to enable an easier harvest.
People are dropping their shotguns, pcrs, pistols and Muzzy's to use the longer range HPRs......... all to enable an easier harvest.
All of these changes have been made for weapons.......AND..... more liberal harvest quotas over the last 5 years.
The amount of deer available is dropping dramatically each year (planned yes, but also masked) ...... but the ease of harvest ability has increased due to more long range weapons/easier to use weapons/more liberal tags (which has increased harvest to those that otherwise would have taken home the "donut hole")..... which "MASKS" the real data of a drastically reduced herd...... and those that just look at "the numbers" don't want to talk about "the mask" as it makes everything appear "OK". LOL!!!!! Those are the same people that took the authority away from our IDNR with Prop #2....... but don't want to look responsible.
What a messed up bunch that is. Geeeesh!!!
No worries though.......... as the barrel gets emptier, and the IDNR does not have the "quantity card" to play anymore to get hunters to buy tags.......... the only thing left will be the "quality card" to keep the hunters they need to keep buying tags.
We are headed straight to a shorter gun season.

And if we don't....... hunters will continue to opt for more out of state hunts where 30+ days of gun use to harvest deer, and/or gun hunting during the middle of the rut does NOT exist..... or simply opt out of deer hunting altogether (which we are already seeing)....... or simply loses his place to hunt as he gets leased out of property to some other guy that is fed up with current Indiana regs (which we are already seeing more of too)
IDNR wants revenue to stay at home........ they have THEEE card they just haven't played................ Yet.