Originally posted by Bryan78:

Compare that number to this time last season.

105,814 the Monday after gun season last year.
1,714 difference... Pretty much par... Guess with the allowance of rifles, it wasn't all doom and gloom as predicted...
I'm still not sold. The rifles had to make some difference, we just have no idea how much difference. Even with rifles, we're down...not up.

We've had two consecutive years of great weather the entire 16 day firearm season....with virtually zero crops in the fields....and both years were peak rut timing. Next year, the firearms season comes in a week later. It will be interesting to see those results following the two back to back years we've had.

I hunted good private ground the last 12 days of archery season and my deer sightings were less than 1/3rd of the 2014 total....a little more than 1/3rd the 2015 total. Some of that was due to the heat I'm sure. How much, I don't know? Yes, I'm concerned...and yes, I hope I'm wrong.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.