Originally posted by Weedhopper:
I don't believe you understood arlowe13's comment, Brew. He was asking a question...
Please post the list of wildlife rules the IGA has made in the past... confused
Thanks, Weed. Yeah, like I said, was wondering if this really was the first time the IGA had made a law concerning hunting/fishing/etc.

My curiousness led me the IGA's website. I don't know the history of these pieces of code, so I don't know how they passed with or without the DNR's "public" input.

IC 14-22-35
Requiring the department to establish a hunter safety course and the department must designate a CO to administer the program.

IC 14-22-7
Individuals may not hunt migratory waterfowl without a stamp issued by the department.

IC 14-22-8
Individuals may not hunt game birds without a stamp issued by the department.

IC 14-22-10
Individuals may not fish, hunt, trap or chase on private land without consent of landowner or tenant. Also regulates taking wild game across state borders.

IC 14-22-9
Regulates how an individual may fish (equipment restrictions) on state owned land. Also regulated minnow and crayfish handling.

IC 14-22-11
Regulates licenses and permits.

From Indianapolis, IN
Live in Independence, KY
Hunt in Vevay, IN