Sign up and don't be shy laugh !!! Teams will be determined by random drawing when the contest sign ups close on September 14, 2013!

The number of members on a team has yet to be determined! smile This is a buck only determine your score we are using inside spread to the nearest 1/8" + the number of points on the rack(@ least an 1")

For example, an 8 pointer with a 15 2/8 inside spread would score........23 2/8 for the contest!!!

Deer must be harvested in can upgrade your urban buck if you want! Just Post a good pic of you and your buck and the rest will be an honor system!

Final Rules will be posted when teams are set up!

I will provide the winners a subscription to one of the following magazines of their choice......deer and deer hunting, north american whitetail, or fur, fish, and game!

Good Luck and Have a Safe Season smile

Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping is where it's @!!!!!