Originally posted by Weedhopper:
So...we all will have to pay to clean up CWD? Why not just the fools who lobbied for it and won?? Why not the big $$ fools who asked for this mess?? Doesn't this pizz you off...just a little bit?
Does it "pizz" me off? Of course, and I contacted my "elected representatives" and the Governor over this matter on several occasions over the years, but in the end, it was decided by the courts and the state lost.

I thought I had read somewhere that these places were supposed to pay into a fund that was to be used to deal with disease issues. I don't know if that is correct or how much money is to be put into the fund. If it does exist, will it be enough to cover the "clean up"? I highly doubt it and that's why I said in the end, the taxpayers will likely be on the hook for some of it.

Perhaps someone who is more familiar with the bill that passed will have a more complete grasp of the situation than I do and can fill in the blanks.