When compared to 5+ years ago, this is a much different situation.

Back then, decisions were being made by professionals with input from a limited number of groups and MAJOR changes were being proposed to the deer season. I felt the proposal that resulted from that process favored a certain segment of deer hunters while penalizing another, AND that my voice wasn't being represented. So I tried to get more involved, encouraged others to do the same, and pushed for more public input. Did I contact the DNR, the NRC, my representatives and anyone else I felt was in a position of authority in this state and voice my opinion on the subject matter?

Yes I did, and I would do it again in a similar situation....

Last year, when the DNR brought up hpr inclusion, it went through the process. Public input was taken and while the input proved to be nearly 50/50 for/against, the powers that be apparently felt like there were enough concerns to shelve the idea and did just that. Did I fight it? In a word, No. I felt the process was fair, the public gave their input, a decision was made and I respected that decision.

Do I agree with the legislature pushing hprs through like this? Absolutely not. I don't know anyone that wants the DNR and/or Hoosier residents circumvented in this manner. Now we have a list of 5 "approved calibers" that has lead to confusion and needs to be clarified. Does the list of 5 mean, .243 Winchester, 30-30 Winchester, 30-06 Springfield, .308 Winchester and .300 Win mag only? Or (for example) does .300 include other calibers such as .300 RUM?

Finally...we can continue along this path of bow hunters vs gun hunters, trophy hunters vs meat hunters, one forum vs another, and continue to have p*ssing contests over equipment choices that breed hard feelings....Or we could try and find some common ground and work together on things that many hunters are concerned about like hunter access, antlerless bag limits, and the fact that the DNR is horribly understaffed.

Will that happen? I hope so, but with the public input process beginning again...who knows....