I can see a lot of benefits to leasing. I'm not totally opposed to it.
My problem is this:
Base Camp works for or is hired by the landowner...Meaning the landowner is the REASON basecamp is in business. The LANDOWNER is who BC is worried about keeping happy. So, if you put your money down on a lease and start having all kinds of problems, BC doesn't care. They got your money. Now if the LANDOWNER has a problem with the person LEASING...HA, BC cares about that. Drive a truck where you were told not to? Yeah, thats addressed in the contract. Landowners grandson drives 4 wheelers thru on opening morning...Sorry, please leave a message.
If this ever gets fixed, I'd be much more interested. And I am slightly interested now.
Sean, I like you and respect you, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this?
I don't see it going away. The land is what everyone wants and they want it bad enough to pay a lot of money and deal with the problems that CAN come with it. Only way I see this getting better is if hunters refuse to sign the contract until it's fair to both parties. Like if grandson rides his quad out in the woods my lease is FREE. I mean come on...where else in life do you do business with someone and they aren't required to provide ANY customer service? This is all BUSINESS. Should be treated as such.
Btw, I plan on being out there thursday, I'll stop in and say Hi