Hey guys, my Dad is wanting to build an elevated two-man enclosed blind on skids. I’m having trouble figuring the height, the angle the uprights need to kick out at, and how to do it on a budget. His legs give him trouble, so I don’t want him climbing any higher than he needs to. I’m also thinking the higher I go, the wider it will need to be at the bottom which will make it harder to pull and harder to get into some of the places we’d want it. Not to mention, the longer my up rights are, the more they will cost me. I’ve only been deer hunting for 10 years, but I have always sat in a chair behind nearly wide open ground blinds thrown together with brush, field fence and burlap and I have never had trouble, to my knowledge, with scent. If I spook ‘em it always seems to be because of movement or noise. If I manage to stay still and quiet, I have them slowly mosey by within several feet. So, when my brother tells me he thinks he needs his tree stand 20ft up, I don’t buy it. With that in mind, I don’t think an enclosed blind needs to be very high. Being enclosed is going to help with scent and being even 5ft above their normal line of sight should help with not being seen. If my up rights are 8’ and with the angle I lose a little of that height, but with a floor platform then the height of the chairs and length of torso, my eyes (and shotgun barrel) are about 11’ from the ground…does that sound alright? I’d greatly appreciate thoughts, opinions, ideas, plans or pics.

Semper Fi!