Originally posted by jjas:
IMO, all this article is, is yet another retread of what was rejected a few years ago. More anti-gun, anti-crossbow, anti-opportunity, anti-choice, anti-IDNR, anti-everything but trophy vertical bowhunting.

A spin I would expect from you jjas...^^^^

I however see it as another reminder of what was rejected due to FORCED change by those that simply couldn't swallow having more weapons to hunt bucks and as many days possible to hunt bucks........and due to that FORCED change that was promoted by jjas types that killed off the IDNR's FIRST CHOICE has

1)now divided this state from top to bottom more than any other time EVER in Deer hunting history.

2) we have a reduction in our deer population at a more rapid rate over the last few years than at any other other time in our Deer Hunting history in Indiana

3) we have a record number of people getting out of deer hunting.

4) we have a record number of people encroaching on borders with deer left....which has created a WHOLE HOST of Law Enforcement strains

5) CO's are frustrated with their positions more than any other time (and a record number of CO openings in the state as the word on the street is the "job stinks" due to many reasons....and dealing with "customer dissatisfaction" like those associated with our current messed up deer rules.....just doesn't make the job appealing anymore) Not to mention not being listened to by the IDNR as they see WAY FEWER deer and are reporting such.......but counties alotments for antlerless stays WAY HIGH!! Nothing like being hired to be heard....and then not listened too!!

6) Significant drop in HRB entries coming out of this state

But the BIGGEST lie in your post jjas is that to change things for the better does not mean the state is Anti-gun, Anti-Crossbow, Anti-Choice, Anti-DNR, or "Anti-Everything" as you suggest....LOL!!!

It just simply means that as changes are made in the future to fix this mess.......the state is not being Anti-Responsible.

Many surrounding states that have many happy deer hunters aren't labeled with "Anti" with the list you've provided. It's actually YOU that says the sky will fall if you don't have as many weapons possible to hunt bucks and as many days possible to hunt bucks with a gun.

Get real.........YOUR selfishness is now exposed.......You're afraid YOUR sky will fall.....

.....and it will. wink

And in the meantime......Legit people like Don that put out good ideas, is hired by one of Northern Indiana's News Groups, has a "medium" you WISH you had, but YOU are not credible enough to hold that type of position. He also holds a readership that likes his views and ideas....or he would have been fired LONG time ago. People LISTEN to him, like him, and AGREE with him and his ideas.

I know all that grinds you to an early grave Woody/jjas...... as you're just stuck stirring up a website you have that anyone can put up for free, and is considered "entertainment reading" on just a "good day".

Carry on Haters.......... you are correct........ YOUR sky is falling.... and YOU started it. wink

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"Never argue with an idiot.....they will beat you with experience every time"