Interesting article written in Northern Indiana....... At least Don has the guts to put out ideas that should be considered. The only haters Don has are the ones that just want more weapons that make it easier to hunt bucks, and as many days possible to hunt bucks with a gun..... and they are many.

They are the same haters that undermined what the IDNR wanted to do with their first proposal to fix this situation......and were forced to choose a second plan due to the haters we all know so well.

The haters we all know well will show up on this thread too. Lets see how fast they can stink up this thread also......... LOL!! laugh

Click here for Don's article........

Don\'s Article....Click here

Have at it........ the "sunset years" of the IDNR's "second choice plan" are upon us soon....and it makes the haters nervous......

......... 'cause they know what's a comin' round that corner. wink

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"Never argue with an idiot.....they will beat you with experience every time"