Coyote.. very good info on your post.

The only round that I dislike and will never shoot again is a 30-30 up in Minnesota. I got rid of that Winchester model 94 and will never shoot a deer with one again. I shot a doe with that 3 times - all lungs/heart and the deer refused to die until the 3rd shot.

Bought a 30-06 and that was all she wrote. I am happy to see this post about .44 mag since I love the idea of hunting in Indiana with a Rifle instead of a shotgun.

When I initially saw this post, I thought, NO WAY can you lose a deer with a .44 and a decent placement... but as usual, I was wrong.

Anything is possible and this is why I enjoy reading these forums - a good reminder, if nothing else.

I have also recently been interested in handguns and may invest in one for hunting as well. Good post!

Deer Hunting since 1999 (Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Montana Antelope)

Marketing Guy in Chicago but grew up in Indiana/ Ball State.. blah blah blah.