I've shot probably 50+ deer in my lifetime. In the early years I did all the washing and spraying down of clothes and finally it just got to be to much hassle and money. About 10 years ago I quit all that together and still shot as many deer as I did in the early years(including a 140" 10 pt a couple years ago while I was smoking!) I'm not saying it probably doesn't help some but it's just not worth the trouble to me. I'm a HUGE believer in being at the right spot at the right time and having a good deer population in your hunting area. You could be invisible and smell like an acorn but if there's only 2 deer per square mile where you hunt you're probably not gonna see any. I still see lots of deer I could shoot and don't too, just don't buy into all that anymore. I'm not saying people shouldn't hunt however they want, just not my thing.