Originally posted by kicker:
Awesome video. Which way was the wind blowing for you to have them right under the stand. Did you use any high tech scent elimination product ( Ozonics . )
Wind was blowing for left to right in the video. My scent control is not high-tech, just a system I have used and been successful.

-Shower in the morning with non-scent soap.
-Keep EVERYTHING I take into the woods in plastic tubs until I am walking to my stand.
-Spray down inside of arms, legs and feet after getting dressed, before walking to stand.
-Spray down while in the stand every hour or so, especially hat and facemask, if you're wearing one.
-I do use an ozone generator at the end of the day to de-odorize boots, pants and jackets if I sweated a lot.
-Wash everything I would wear that weekend in scent free soap including jeans/pants/underwear/socks I would drive to our property while wearing.

All of this is great precaution, but having the right wind for your stand's setup is KING, as you cannot eliminate all scent. Don't hunt a stand if it's not the right wind.

From Indianapolis, IN
Live in Independence, KY
Hunt in Vevay, IN